Custom Shortcut Keys - List / Remove



Is there a way to list all the Custom Shortcut Keys that are currently
in use? I want to add a Custom Shortcut Key to an app but it appears
to be already in use. The key combo I'm trying to assign is
CTL-ALT-C. Pressing this combo doesn't appear to do anything, so I
was wonderring if there's a place in the registry where these
shortcuts are stored or something like that?


David Candy

It's not stored in the registry. It's calculated at logon and kept in memory.

Create a text file and paste lines in

on error resume next
set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set Ag=Wscript.Arguments
set lnk = WshShell.CreateShortcut(A)
If lnk.hotkey <> "" then
msgbox A & vbcrlf & lnk.hotkey
End If

Rename it to findhotkey.vbs

Explorer looks in 4 places for hotkeys, these are read on startup. The hotkey is stored in the shortcut. Only hotkeys on shortcuts in the four locations are live.

Type in a command prompt

cd %UserProfile%\desktop
for %A in (*.lnk) do findhotkey.vbs "%1"
for %A in (*.pif) do findhotkey.vbs "%1"
for %A in (*.url) do findhotkey.vbs "%1"
cd %AllUsersProfile%\desktop
for %A in (*.lnk) do findhotkey.vbs "%1"
for %A in (*.pif) do findhotkey.vbs "%1"
for %A in (*.url) do findhotkey.vbs "%1"
cd %UserProfile%\Start Menu
for /r %A in (*.lnk) do findhotkey.vbs "%1"
for /r %A in (*.pif) do findhotkey.vbs "%1"
for /r %A in (*.url) do findhotkey.vbs "%1"
cd %AllUsersProfile%\Start Menu
for /r %A in (*.lnk) do findhotkey.vbs "%1"
for /r %A in (*.pif) do findhotkey.vbs "%1"
for /r %A in (*.url) do findhotkey.vbs "%1"

Each shortcut, that has a hotkey, will pop up a dialog with the name of the shortcut and it's hotkey.

You may have path problems. To make it work put in c:\ and change

for %A in (*.url) do c:\findhotkey.vbs "%1"

as all these directory changes may make it difficult for the script to be found (but shorten the amount of typing for the start menu FORs).

Ctrl + C Copies the text of a message box to the clipboard.

It is not reccommended that Ctrl + Alt be used with Hotkeys. Ctrl + left hand side Alt = Right hand side Alt (marked Alt Gr on keyboards for international use - keyboards only differ with what is painted on the keys) and enters international characters if using the US International keyboard (a driver that knows what is painted on the keys so you get the right character).


Thanks David,

One followup question about using CTL+ALT: It sounds like you are
saying that CTL+ALT(left) is the same as pressing ALT(right)? This
doesn't make sense and doesn't seem to be the case in practice. Would
you mind clarifying?


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