Ctrl/Home changes the Zoom



It seems that in 2007, when I try to do the Ctrl+Home shortcut to get to cell
A1 - it changes the magnification instead. Anyone know how to stop this?

This is the most annoying thing ever - the only thing I don't like in 2007.



I have been using Excel 2007 for two years now and I am very happy...

Ctrl-HOME key takes you to A1... It might have been mapped to
'magnification' in your system... by an Add-In or macro perhaps...

go to Office Button->Excel Options-> Advanced > Transition and uncheck the
"Transition navigation" box.



Thank you for your quick answer, but I do not see an option called
"Transition" in the Advanced area of Options.

I love Excel 2007 too - this is the only thing about it that gives me trouble.

Shane Devenshire


There is no built-in feature of Excel which is doing this. 1. Are you using
a laptop which assigns more than one funtion to the Home key if Fn is
pressed? 2. Make sure there are no add-ins running that you are not aware of
(Tools, Add-ins) 3. Check to make sure there is not code in your workbook to
do this - I would check the thisWorkbook object by double-click it. 4. Does
this happen for all Excel 2007 files? 5. It is possible to reassign keys in
Windows but that's not my area. Post to the Window group:



It is in the second last group under Lotus Compatibility...

I don't think it will work but no harm in trying...

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