Crunching on hold from me for now ... UPDATE


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
I have a wee problem, my PC is freezing ... no BSOD, just freezes ... 3 times this morning when trying to post on the forums. Turned off Bonkit, all is good.

Has been running fine for months, hopefully it just needs a 'blow-out' even tho' the temps are fine.

So, no crunchin' till I find out what it is. :(
Well we back crunchin ... gave the old girl the day off, even sent her to sleep last night, wasn't it quiet, and a quick blow job this morning, everything seems fine.

We shall see. :)
The freezing is back, crunching on hold till I can ascertain the problem ... :(
The freezing is back, crunching on hold till I can ascertain the problem ... :(

Not sure what you're crunching or if this is of any help, but I went through a spell where several of my computers were acting up and in the end I cured it by eliminating the CEP2 work from my selected projects to participate in.

I just figured they weren't ready for prime time plus they were the only one of my selections that were showing errors as well.

Haven't had an issue since, nor with any of the other projects.

Had it just been one computer I might have chalked it up to pushing the overclocking too far or such, but this happened to me on multiple units, a couple of which are operating at stock settings with higher end hardware.
:(Sorry to hear your PC problems Mr Mucks, I hope you find a solution. Mind you it does give me a chance to widen the gap a bit on WCG as you had nearly caught me up. Good luck on the PC maintance I hope it is nothing serious.