cross referencing 2 workbooks at same time



I have one workbook which lists email addresses. Book 1

I have another workbook which lists the email addresses from Book 1 which
are bad. Book 2

I now want to take out of Book 1 the bad email address but do not want to do
it manually (as over 4000 bad email addresses)

Any ideas please?????


Hi GezCam,
I am lost here, could you give an example, how do you know are bad email

Bob Phillips

Write a formula in Book1 that finds missing in book2

=ISNUMBER(MATCH(G1,'[Book2.xls]June 08'!$A:$A,0))

Then filter on that formula column looking for TRUE, and delete all visible

Shane Devenshire


How is your data set up - are there columns for First Name, Last Name,
Street, City, State, Zip? Do you have a unique identifer, for example a
social security number or employee ID?

Let's suppose column A in both worksheets contains customer ID. Then in
Book 1 create the following formula in a blank column.


If A1 is found in the list of bad addresses this formula will return the
customer ID, otherwise it will return an NA error.

Select all of these formulas and press F5, Special, Formulas and uncheck
errors, click OK. Press Ctrl+- (control minus) and choose Entire Row.

If this helps, please click the Yes button

Shane DEvenshire

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