Credits Animation stops half way through my list



I have a long list of companies (about 300) that I would like to do the
Credits animation for. This is where the list scrolls from the bottom and
disappears on top. I set up the animation and it runs for a awhile (the
default looks like 15 seconds) and then it just stops. I've tried making the
animation run longer with the timeline, but it still stops at the same place.
I'm completely stumped. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Instead of using the credits effect, change the animation to Entrance > Fly
Next, drag the textbox off the top of the slide.
Now, preview the slide show and the textbox should fly in from bottom, and
exit to the top.
Shawn Toh (tohlz)
Microsoft MVP PowerPoint

Site Updated: Dec 24, 2006
PowerPoint Anime - Rewrite
PowerPoint Heaven - The Power to Animate


Dbrewster_25 said:
I have a long list of companies (about 300) that I would like to do the
Credits animation for. This is where the list scrolls from the bottom and
disappears on top. I set up the animation and it runs for a awhile (the
default looks like 15 seconds) and then it just stops. I've tried making the
animation run longer with the timeline, but it still stops at the same place.
I'm completely stumped. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Did you ever get any other response to your problem with the credits only
rolling for 15 seconds or have you resolved the problem? The response by
tohlz didn't seem to work for me. I have the same problem.

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