create a sheet with qty per week during 52 weeks




I want to create a sheet that gives me the products qty per week. First
I started importing data from MS Access. The data have PRODUCT, QTY and
DATE this information is on sheet DATA. These are manufactured
products, which means I can have the same products manufactured on
different dates. In the same File I want to create a sheet that tells
me how many products have been manufactured on each week. So on sheet
DATA I have Column A with the product name, Column B with the QTY and
Column C with the Dates. The sheet I want, lets call it sheet
Production should have:

Column A, Column B, Column C, .....Column M
Product, Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, ...Week 52
Product A, 231, 566, 122, .....345
Product H, 6234, 436, 576, ....123
and so on.

Note: Product A could have been manufactured on different days, but
belong to the same week, so in this example 231 is the sum of all the
QTY manufactured of that product where the manufacturing date are
between the date range of week 1.

Any help on this will be really appreciated.

Thanks in advance


Good morning...

I'm trying to understand your question correctly - but I think a pivot
table will give you what you are looking for.

Use the DATA sheet and create your pivot table from that. You don't
want to create two different sheets with the SAME data. A pivot table
takes one generic data source - and give you the ability to look at it
in several different ways. For example...

You can view product by week - which gives you a trend on the Qty.
You can view by week by Qty - which will give you a trend on the Week.
(Why the qty was lower during other weeks.

I'd like to help if you want to share the workbook.

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