Corsair Memory Suppliers


Stephen Austin

Anyone know where I can get 1 Gb of TwinX 2700 RAM from - the non-platinum
version. eBuyer has em but they aint in stock.
What's the difference between the platinum and non stuff? Other than the £70
price difference!


Stephen Austin

Anyone know where I can get 1 Gb of TwinX 2700 RAM from - the non-platinum
version. eBuyer has em but they aint in stock.
What's the difference between the platinum and non stuff? Other than the £70
price difference!


Forgot to mention, preferably somewhere in the UK.

Stephen Austin

Anyone know where I can get 1 Gb of TwinX 2700 RAM from - the
You were saved then. May I suggest you read eBuyer's Romulus 2 rating
( They have 65 reviews, of which well over half are 1 or
2 stars (very poor or poor). You might also find this site worth reading

Regardless of their customer support, which I agree is absolutely shite. The
prices for the goods they sell are far and away cheaper than anywhere else
I've found. Whenever I've placed an order, it has arrived on time and in
good condition. I don't understand why people insist on being so prejudice
against them ?!


Perdita X. Dream

Stephen said:
Regardless of their customer support, which I agree is absolutely
shite. The prices for the goods they sell are far and away cheaper
than anywhere else I've found. Whenever I've placed an order, it has
arrived on time and in good condition. I don't understand why people
insist on being so prejudice against them ?!


Prejudiced?! I'd hardly call it prejudice! Have you ever tried to return
something? I would agree with every single thing written on that site. They
are con artists, rip-off merchants and well, liars. My first - any only
experience with them was ordering a 2000+ CPU for a system I was building
for a family member for which they charged me £500! Yes, you read that
correctly - FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS for a CPU worth £70 at the most! They
charged my card BEFORE they shipped the goods, they shipped the chip stuck
to a bit of card and it was clear that it had already been returned because
the die looked 'burnt' and the pins were bent. I sent them a small claims
summons to which they failed to reply so I was refunded my money - and other
expenses (carriage, phone calls, stress, restocking fee) by default. Not
only that, every single member of their customer 'service' team has gone to
special school to learn how to be particulary obnoxious and obstreporous. I
would rather pay a little bit more for my goods and know that it will be
backed up by good, honest customer service. For this reason, I shop at
Chillblast and Over-Clock UK.

But, if you want to waste your time, energy and money go right ahead. Me? I
have better things to do.

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