Copying to external HD stops!



Generic external USB2 HD casing with Seagate 28.5 Gb HD in it. Windows
automatically recognizes it no problem. i can view files. i created
partition and formatted.

Problem is when I start copying. I copied several folders amounting to
16GB. Everytime I do that, in the middle of copying (45 seconds or
something like that), copy fails and the external HD disappears in

Tried with another HD on same USB2 casing and same thing happens.

Is this a known issue? What's the problem and how do i solve it. please


any help here at all?

What kind of drive enclosure? Does it have its own fan? If not, the
drive is probably overheating. Get an enclosure with a fan. I have a
Thermaltake one (I like the 5.25" one best for air flow) which I like a


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