Copy Cells from one excel application to another



Hi. I have two excel applications open (on seperate monitors) I want to
use VBA to copy information from one spreadsheet application to a different

Manually I would activate the 1st application with the mouse, copy then
activate the other application and paste. I'd like to automate this

I'm not sure how to reference the two open excel applications.

Thanks for any help!!


dan dungan said:
What does the macro recorder shows when you process manually?

Dan Dungan

The macro recorder just shows the commands from the one excel applicaton ..
ie the select and paste, not the select and copy from the other excell

dan dungan

Hi Bill,

It seems this is a more advanced question than I can answer, but I'm
curious. . .

1. Are the two monitors connected to one computer?
2. Is having to excel applications open the same as having two
workbooks open?



As a guess I would say that Bill 41 has 2 monitors connected to the same
computer. he has opened two instances of XL and placed one on each monitor.

One instance of XL can have multiple workbooks open in it. The same as one
workbook can have many sheets in it. You can also open up multiple instances
of XL. If you do that then one instance knows nothing about the other
instances and there is no easy wy to have a workbook in one instance
communicate with a workbook in another instance.


Hi Jim. Yes, that's the setup I have. Two instances just seemed simple
enough when doing the copying manually. One instance on each monitor.
Thanks for the link!!!! Looks like it should be very usefull :)

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