Convert/Encoding issues

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ramond de Vrede
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Ramond de Vrede

- When capture video from my Sony DCR-PC120E via Windows Media Encoder 9 I
get sometimes weird colors. I checked PAL/25fps/etc...

- When I convert video from DV-AVI/MPEG2 to WMV I get a trail (some people
don't see it, but it annoys me compared to quality DV/MPEG2, and papajohn
examples look great!)

- I added some profiles which I made with Profile editor but I only see 1 of
the profiles in MM2. (I rebooted, etc... everything) The new ones don't
appear in my selection list in MM2.

The only thing I want is to convert my huge DV-AVI files to WMV so I can
easily use it in MM2 and save some diskspace. I don't expect the 1GB file is
1MB... But exceptable ratio between quality and hdd space.

Thanks in advance,
Ramond de Vrede
I'm just going to suggest what I am doing for converting DV to WMV

Try the following commands in a ".bat" file:

cd \program files\windows media components\encoder

rem the following is all on one line
cscript.exe wmcmd.vbs -input "C:\Video\Video to Encode" -output
"C:\Video\Video Done" -v_codec WMV9 -v_mode 2 -v_quality 85 -v_keydist
1 -v_preproc 1 -pixelratio 4 3 -a_codec WMA9PRO -a_mode 2 -a_setting

rem pause so you can see any errors

"C:\Video\Video to Encode" can be any directory and is where you store video
that you want to encode
"C:\Video\Video Done" can be any directory and is the output directory
-pixelratio 4 3 is needed to make my 16:9 aspect ratio video from the Sony
look right after encoding. 4 for width and 3 for height doesn't make sense
to me either but it works. Leave it out for 4:3 video.
-v_mode 2 - variable bit rate quality based encoding
-v_quality 85 - video quality level 85
-v_preproc 1 - deinterlace
-a_mode 2 - variable bit rate quality encoding
-a_setting Q75_44_2_24 - audio quality level 75 44kHz 2 channel 24 bit

For full command details see the Start Menu, All Programs, Windows Media,
Utilities, Windows Media Encoding Script, Advanced encoding techniques,
Using command-line options.

This takes a long time (6 times the video length) on a Pentium 2.53 but
looks very good and will shrink 1 GB to 100 MB. I just run it at night. It
is easy. Once you set up the command, you may never edit it again. You will
always get the same results without clicking in MovieMaker.

Let me know how it works or if you have better suggestions.
Thanks! I will try this one. I agree on your statement. I prefer waiting 6
times the lenght and have a good quality small sized file over a gig+ file.

I let the people here know if this worked out for me...

I've become VERY frustrated trying to find a FREE prog to convert a large WMV file to mpeg or avi in order to transfer i
on to a DVD for wider access (it's a school project, no cash involved). I do believe that if Microsoft has set the default to WMV. format that at the very least it should include a small plug-in to convert it to the more accessible avi. or mpeg. format for DVD burning purposes
MM2 includes the option to save the movie as a DV-AVI file.... it's in the
pick list of other choices.

Movie Maker 2 -
Photo Story 2 -

Malky said:
I've become VERY frustrated trying to find a FREE prog to convert a large
WMV file to mpeg or avi in order to transfer it
on to a DVD for wider access (it's a school project, no cash involved). I
do believe that if Microsoft has set the default to WMV. format that at the
very least it should include a small plug-in to convert it to the more
accessible avi. or mpeg. format for DVD burning purposes.
I tried this : SUPER!

Thank you VERY much for this idea... I customised the batchfile...

Ramond de Vrede
Glad it was useful. What changes did you make? One thing I have my doubts
about is the 48 or 44 kHz. I'm not sure which will be better supported on
upcoming standalone DVD players or portable media centers. The DVDs I have
seen are actually 48kHz.
I was too fast... it's still having a trail with encoded movies... how can I
solve this?


Ramond de Vrede
Yes, like this... but it's not fast action. Normal movement.

Slowly move the camcorder... but you see the trail like a ghost indeed....
