Controlling ProductVersion


Richard Bixler

Hello - In VB.NET, how do I control product version, and access it for
reporting on my splash form? This is a simple .exe solution with a project
built out of a few forms and modules, and contains a setup project.

My vbproj file contains ProductVersion = "7.10.3077" . When I report
Application.ProductVersion, its value is 1.0.1723.16260 so clearly that
comes from somewhere else. Anyway, I don't want either of these values.

I would like to set the product version to 1.1.0, and report .
So I'm looking for advice on how to set the value, and how to access it at

Thanks in advance -- Dick Bixler

Ray Cassick \(Home\)

Checkout the values listed in your AssemblyInfo.vb file.

<Assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")>

Richard Bixler

Thanks. Here's what I did:

Imports System.Reflection
'Versioning is set in Scenery_Align\AssemblyInfo.vb
Dim myAssembly As [Assembly]
Dim myAssemblyName As AssemblyName
Dim myAssemblyVersion As String

myAssembly = [Assembly].GetExecutingAssembly()
myAssemblyName = myAssembly.GetName()
myAssemblyVersion = myAssemblyName.Version.ToString
Me.Label1.Text = myAssemblyVersion

Seems to work. Thanks again -- Dick Bixler

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