Control panel - Applications installed



How can I uninstall some aplication from my computer? I tried to do this from
"Control Panel" - "Installed Applicaions" but I have a problem with an
application on my pc: I've deleted all its files, I've tried to unistall it
from control panel but the application still remain into the "Installed
Applications" window. I think that this application (Nokia DKU-5 Cable
Driver) makes a conflict that doesn't allows to mo to tranfer photos and
other files on my smartphone Nokia 6630. Does someone knows how I can solve
this problem? How can I delete this application from the "Installed
Applications" window?

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


Are the deleted files still in the Recycle Bin? If so, try restoring them.
Otherwise, it is often advisable to reinstall the original application, then
turn around and uninstall it. You might also run msconfig and check the
startup and service tabs for related lines that can be disabled, it is these
processes which may be interfering with your smartphone software.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

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