connecting asdl modem to different USB port



Brand new system with WXP home. Connected ADSL modem to front USB post for
ease whilst configuring whole computer. Want to now change it to connect to
one of 4 USB ports on back as it sticks out at front too much for permananet
use, but it will notwork on any of the rear USB ports - why? Tried checking
Internet Options settings, device manager etc. but cannot see which USB port
comp thinks it's connected to, nor how to change it to a rear one/ - Help

R. McCarty

Does your system have a built-in Network Interface Card (NIC) ?
If so, you'll be better off connecting the ADSL modem with a
Ethernet cable than the USB one. The ISP Kit should have had
a short Ethernet cable included with it. (Looks like an RJ phone
connector, but larger/wider - [More Pins] ).

Using a USB connection adds a Device Manager entry for the
modem, which isn't really necessary. Probably, what your current
issue entails is a "Phantom" device. XP has a "Quirky" habit when
plugging USB peripherals into different USB channels of leaving the
original device in Device Manager but as inactive. This can cause
XP to not recognize that same device when plugged into a different
port/channel. To get it to work, you'll have to enter Device Manager
Click View, tic/check "Show Hidden Devices". Then you have to
uninstall/remove the "Phantom" entry and then plug the modem into
the port/channel you intend to use long term.


Only if it comes with one... I have seen some that are one or the other.

Have you tried leaving it plugged in the back and rebooting the PC? If you
look in Device Manager, are there any devices with a ? or an ! or an X? How
many entries do you see for USB devices?

R. McCarty said:
Does your system have a built-in Network Interface Card (NIC) ?
If so, you'll be better off connecting the ADSL modem with a
Ethernet cable than the USB one. The ISP Kit should have had
a short Ethernet cable included with it. (Looks like an RJ phone
connector, but larger/wider - [More Pins] ).

Using a USB connection adds a Device Manager entry for the
modem, which isn't really necessary. Probably, what your current
issue entails is a "Phantom" device. XP has a "Quirky" habit when
plugging USB peripherals into different USB channels of leaving the
original device in Device Manager but as inactive. This can cause
XP to not recognize that same device when plugged into a different
port/channel. To get it to work, you'll have to enter Device Manager
Click View, tic/check "Show Hidden Devices". Then you have to
uninstall/remove the "Phantom" entry and then plug the modem into
the port/channel you intend to use long term.

Jane said:
Brand new system with WXP home. Connected ADSL modem to front USB post
ease whilst configuring whole computer. Want to now change it to connect
one of 4 USB ports on back as it sticks out at front too much for
use, but it will notwork on any of the rear USB ports - why? Tried
Internet Options settings, device manager etc. but cannot see which USB
comp thinks it's connected to, nor how to change it to a rear one/ -

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