Conflict with WordPerfect 11 - slow printing



Print jobs take about 45 secs. per page with MS
Antispyware active. They commence immediately without MS
Antispyware running.

Any ideas for a workaround to resolve this????

Bill Sanderson

You are not imagining this. Right-clicking the system tray icon and
choosing to shutdown Microsoft Antispyware is the workaround.

The development team is aware of this issue.


are there any similar Print jobs problem with other word
processing like microsoft word and works?

Bill Sanderson

This problem seems to be unique to WordPerfect.

(And I don't recommend paranoia-mode--thinking that this is a targetted
issue. I suspect that this issue may well have existed in the predecessor
Giant product, and also suspect that it will be fixed in beta2.)


Having MS Antispyware's real-time protection enabled seems to be the

I find that I can send a WP print job, right click the MS Antispyware icon
and temporarily (for 1 or 2 seconds) disable real time protection. The
print job immediately spools and I can then re-enable the real-time

By the way, while WP 11 suffers from this issue, WP 9 prints without any

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