Conditional Formatting in Access 2000



The version of Access 2000 that my office network uses does NOT appear to
have Conditional Formatting.

I have previously created files in Access 2003, using Conditional
Formatting, and have saved these files in Access 2000 format. Opening these
files on the office network (Access 2000), I find that:

-- Access 2000 will DISPLAY the Conditional Formatting, although it
will not permit any editing.

-- Most important: Access 2000 runs VERY, VERY SLOWLY (say, 3 minutes
to open a form) when conditional formatting is involved. (This is true
whether the application is run over the network, or locally).

Am I correct in undertanding that Access 2000 -- at least, the version I
have -- does not really support Conditional Formatting? Are there other
features of my Access 2003 which, even when saved as Access 2000 format, will
interfere with Access 2000?

Allen Browne

Access 2000 does have conditional formatting - even the original release of
A2000 did.

However, there were bugs in the A2000 implementation, and is it not unusual
to have A2000 siting there for ages showing "Calculating..." in the status
bar when a form has conditional formatting, particularly if you use
conditional formatting with calculated controls. I believe MS fixed some of
these issued in A2003.

More info:
Conditional formatting flaws

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