Conditional Drop-down



Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 9:17 pm Post subject: Conditional Drop-down



I have a question and if any of you guys could help, I would very muc
appreciate it...

Let us say I have a database which looks like this...(this is not a
indication of reality) :p

Religion Sects Members Founding Dat

Paganism none 5 BCE
Judaism none 50 BCE
Zoroastrianism none 20 BCE
Taoism none 25 BCE
Confucianism none 25 BCE
Buddhism Mahayana 30 BCE
Theravada 30 BCE
Islam Shiite 95 ACE
Sunni 5 AC

Christianity Catholicism 200 ACE
Orthodox 50 ACE
Protestantism 100 ACE
Non-religious Atheism 50 BCE
Agnosticism 30 BCE

I know it is a bit garbled but essentially it has four columns
Religion, Sects, Members and Founding Date...(Buddhism, Islam
Christianity and Non-religious have multiple sects....Buddhism
Mahayana, Theravada.....Islam - Shiite, Sunni......Christianity
Catholicism, Orthodox, Protestantism....Non-religious - Atheism

On another location in the same worksheet, I made a drop-down list wit
Religion as my base list...From there I have three other cells that wil
give the Sect, Members and Founding Data based on the Religion selecte
(Made this thru VLOOKUP)...However, when I select any Religion wit
more than one sect i.e. Islam...the vlookup always give the firs
entry, in this case...Shiite and its corresponding values (95 members
ACE Founding Date) never gives the 'Sunni' entry and it
corresponding data...

Can I make a second drop-down for the 'Sects' so that when I select an
Religion with multiple sects, it gives me the option to choose among th
sects available, then the corresponding data (Members and Founding Date
will follow? Also, if I select a Religion with no 'sects', then it jus
automatically shows 'na' and the corresponding data for the members an
founding date will follow as well?

Thanks in advance...

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