Computer restarts randomly or when playing games.



my comp has an issue that it has had since new but im not sure what causes
it. it can be just sitting idle or executing minimal programs and it will
just restart itself as if you pressed the reset button. it also happens
whilst playing games. pretty much every time but sometimes it will let me
play for an hour sometimes five mins. any help would be great. im using xp
home ed. my comp is intel 3.2mHz 1024mb ram fairly new unit so not sure. have
been told it is my graphics card or processor overheating but i checked temps
and it does it even when the processor is like 25o so im stumped

Will Denny


Have a look in the Event Viewer for any 'Errors'.

Also - if you don't see any error messages, right click on My Computer,
Properties and then the Advanced tab. Click on Settings under Startup and
Recovery and disable 'Automatically restart'. Next time your PC reboots,
you should see a Blue Screen. Could you please post the Stop Code that
accompanies that BSOD back here? With that your problem could be isolated.


Will Denny
MS-MVP Windows Shell/User
Please reply to the News Groups


i looked in event log. there were a few errors they are:

error- The Application Management service terminated with the following
The specified module could not be found.

system error- Error code 10000050, parameter1 e530cab0, parameter2 00000001,
parameter3 805509e9, parameter4 00000001.

a warning- TCP/IP has reached the security limit imposed on the number of
concurrent TCP connect attempts.

and a few information logs- The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The
bugcheck was: 0x1000000a (0xf68a34bc, 0x00000001, 0x00000000, 0x80529c0c). A
dump was saved in: C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\Mini051506-01.dmp.

this was only under todays date. i will disable auto restart and post the
stop code as well. thanks


and while im seeking much help :) often i open a program say Iexplorer and
it will show the hourglass as if its loading then nothing happens, you
ctrl-alt-del and it is running in processes but not on the screen so you
cancel it and try again a few time and it will finally open. not sure if
problems are related??


i just entered a game to try and get it to reboot and a critical error screen
came up it read as follows

critical error- General protection fault!

History: UObject::~UObject <- UObject::StaticAllocateObject <-
(StaticMeshActor StaticMeshActor886) <- UObject::StaticConstructObject <-
ULinkerLoad::CreateExport <- (StaticMeshActor886 2250428) <-
ULinkerLoad::LoadAllObjects <- (LinkerLoad Transient.LinkerLoad120) <-
UObject::LoadPackage <- UGameEngine::LoadGame <- UGameEngine::Tick <-
UpdateWorld <- MainLoop

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