Computer Is Running Very Slow Resources At 99%


\old\ devildog

Son is better now. Doc tells us it was only a "tummy" flu. Wasn't much we
could do but give him a lot to drink, try to get him to eat jello, and hold
him alot. That gave me a lot to do during the day.

I do have a "problem" with him. His speech is very accelerated. At his last
Dr. appt, doc was amazed at the ability to form very complex sentence
structure. Doc stated that he might be 2 1/2 but his speech was at around 5
to 6. I guess this comes from being home with me all day. I have never
talked "down" to him. With the older brothers and Mom around, he has learn
very fast to speak like he is much older. But then again, Mom has a Masters
Degree and I have 2 B.S. degrees. Both of us have higher than normal IQ's.
In the last few months he has started to speak Spanish. We think he has
learned it from the "Dora" TV show he watches every morning. Also he is
trying to learn to read already. Funny while driving down the street, he is
telling me what some of the business signs say. His favorite computer
programs are the "Phonics Consonant Game", and "Phonics Vowel Game" that I
bought for him. I see that he is not going to slow down. All I can do is
teach him what he wants to learn.

At 60 I have so much to teach him and so much less time to teach him in. 15
heart attacks and 2 strokes in the last 10 years, should limit my time to
live on this Earth, but so far the "Top Marine" upstairs has yet to give me
"Orders" to move on. Besides as any Marine knows, "Marines never die, they
live forever", or as my bumper sticker says, " And On The Eighth Day, GOD
Created the Marines, and All Was Well".

Besides I ain't ready to go yet. I was born a very stubborn "Okie". I, like
my grandma (full blooded Native American), am going to live to 95. She
only left us then because she said 'she was tired and wanted to sleep for a
few years' (Indian Thing), but she promised us, "... she would come back
when she got rested". Yes I am Native American, Got 1/4 from my Dad's side,
and 1/4 from my Mom's side ... hummmmmm ... makes me 1/2 then.

"old' devildog
-- Semper Fi --
Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.
Being "over the hill" is much better than being under it!

| "old" devildog wrote:
| >
| > It is hard to keep up with the NG's and take care of a 2 1/2 year old
| > son (yes at 60 I have a 2 1/2 year old. As I am retired, I am the
| > "stay-at-home Dad"). I am not saying all of the MVP's give "canned
| Wishing your son gets better, but what I really want to say is, cool,
| that kid's lucky, in the fact that he's going to get 60 years of
| experience passed on instead of the usual 25 to 45.

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