Comments on monitor I am planning to buy



Did he say a crap CRT? You can get refurbished top end 21/22" CRT's
for real cheap. I have LCD and CRT and my gaming computer uses the
CRT. For good reason too.

Why would one want to pay for a monitor with the first and
best 2/3rds of it's expected lifespan gone already, as most
refurbs are? Seems hardly worth the shipping cost and

Yes CRT is often better for gaming, and yet if one only had
one monitor, they could manag to game on an LCD given one
with suitable specs.

House of Brutus

Why would one want to pay for a monitor with the first and
best 2/3rds of it's expected lifespan gone already, as most
refurbs are? Seems hardly worth the shipping cost and

True. But a refurbished may only be ayear old and still have a lot of
life in it. I've never bought a refurbished anything but I have a
friend who just bought a refurbished Dell 22" (Diamondtron tube) and
its really nice.
Yes CRT is often better for gaming, and yet if one only had
one monitor, they could manag to game on an LCD given one
with suitable specs.

Yes, lots of people use LCD for gaming and I tried it for a year
myself but in the end I just had to go back to CRT because they look
sharp at any resolution and I have older games that only support
640x480 or 800x600.

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