Comment a Folder (WinXP)


Troy Simpson

Thanks Karl,

I did clarify that. It's not obvious to non-mvps that a non-mvp can still
hold an address.


Troy Simpson

Thanks to Alex's suggestion I now have a programmatic solution in VC++ 6.
It is a simple shell extension that strips the helpdesk code out of the
directory name and puts it into it's own column so that it can be used as an
alternative sort. In the downloadable project there is also an alternative
method that can read the INI file. You will need to modify the project to
suit your own purposes because my solution is by no means generic, it can
only do one thing.

You can download the source code here :

Thanks to those who made contributions leading to the solution.


Troy Simpson

Updated it probably one last time to now include 3 sort columns (Sort1,
Sort2, Sort3) to grab anything hyphen-delimited after the initial directory
name. It's probably generic enough to be fairly widely useful now.
Download from


Troy Simpson

Aaargh, it had a bug! It wouldn't grab the 1st column if there was only one
hyphenated string. All fixed now, download what should be the last and
final version of this shell extension from Sorry
for any confusion for those who have already tried using this with only one


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