Command Prompt problem



When I open my command prompt, it starts off with C:\Documents and Settings\myname>. It never gives me a fresh C:\> start. Why? I tried to open javac compiler with command prompt and couldn't. I can type dir C:\.... etc. but I cannot get a clean C:\ start on it. Does anybody know what is wrong?

Star Fleet Admiral Q

Create a shortcut that runs CMD.EXE and in the shortcut "Start-In" Folder
put "C:\" without the quotes and you should start there.

MatthewP said:
When I open my command prompt, it starts off with C:\Documents and
Settings\myname>. It never gives me a fresh C:\> start. Why? I tried to open
javac compiler with command prompt and couldn't. I can type dir C:\.... etc.
but I cannot get a clean C:\ start on it. Does anybody know what is wrong?

David Candy

Why would you think something is wrong. It's opening to the default directory or if you are starting it from a system supplied shortcut it's being told to start at %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%.

Sounds like it's working perfectly.


Hey! Thanks to both of you. I was enlightened on my situation, relieved, and was able to also manage what I was wanting. Much appreciation to the both of you

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