Color Scheme of Pictures



Our company has just gotten an upgrade in power point, Office 2003. However,
when working in powerpoint, with pictures from the internet, and resizing the
pictures the color scheme sometimes turns into an almost negative view
effecting only certain pictures and not others. Then when resizing them
again they will go back to their normal color. This has just started
happening when we got the new system. The pictures print this way as well.
Sometimes upon shutting the ppt. down and reopening it a differnt picture
will view negative, other times it will be normal, and other times it will
reopen the same as when I closed it down. I need help. What can I do to fix
this problem?


are you sure its 2003 and not 2002?
i saw a similiar problem happen in ppt2002 (pptxp) with exif images..images
created with certain digital cameras..
if it is ppt2003 it is possible that these pictures have been created on a
mac / adobe photoshop and used a special color compression which off2003
doesn't seem to support...or has problems with..
before inserting these images into powerpoint load them in paint or
photoeditor and resave them
then insert and you wont have a problem



Are the images copied and pasted, or are they saved to the hard drive and then

What image format/file extension are these images?

Are they Microsoft clipart images or from other sources? Can you point us to a
couple of specific examples that we can check?

Have you visited the video card manufacturer's website to check for a newer
video driver?

Have you applied Service Pack 1?


The images that are discolored are copied and saved into our hard-drive from
the internet. The pictures are then inserted into ppt. and used as
presentations, there are probably 5-10 pictures to each page on a five page
ppt. presentation, not many. Most of the shots have been runway shots from, saved on our hard-drive and inserted into ppt. The discoloring
happens when we change the size of the picture. Larger = more of a negative
discolor. I appologize I was mistaken, we got an upgrade to Microsoft ppt.
2002 and the discoloring started happening when we recieved the upgrade. I
hope this information better helps you to help me, thank you very much for
your time.


yeah you confirmed my exif thoughts, ppt2002 and as you said, runway taken with a digital camera.
some digital cameras create jpgs with special information included in the
file regarding the aperture size, zoom..etc etc
you can see this extra info if you right click the file and select
properties. Again not all cameras use the exif format

This is a problem with officexp
Your only choice is to resave the original files in a photoediting app such
as photoeditor and reinsert them.



Is there some available information on that? I found a KB article (186369) that
says that it was fixed in PowerPoint 97 SR2.
Was it later broken again? I ask because images from my cameras carry Exif data
and I don't see resizing problems here.

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