Color formatting in cell $An



Excel 2003 SP3
I need to take an existing spreadsheet that has six columns and selectively
"insert" a new column in a couple of rows. Once the single new column has
been inserted I'd like to resize this new "A" and put an * in it, color it
red and then resize the 'B' (old 'A') to the same right justfied location as
its original justification.

Essentially, I need to
1) SPLIT a single, unmerged cell into to two cells;
2) put what's in the original cell in the 'right' cell;
3) enter an * in the 'left' cell;
4) resize the 'left' cell to about 3 characters in size;
5) pattern the 'left' cell to red.

I know how to do all of the above except for splitting and unmerged cell.
My spreadsheet is about 60 rows and I need to split about 10-12 of the Row A
cells into two cells leaving all the left/right borders and justifications
the as-is.
Entering 'split cell' in HELP doesn't help.
What am I missing?

Mike Rogers


Sorry to say but you can not split columns or rows. The cells within any
given column are properties of that column and the same for rows. At best,
what you might do is add a column as you indicated, then below the ten to
twelve where you want two cells, just merge those into one cell. If you do
this give up any ideas about sorting or filtering (and several other things)
because merged cells do not work well with these procedures.

Mike Rogers

Gord Dibben


Cannot be done.

Row heights and column widths are the properties of the entire row and column.

i.e. you can insert a column into all rows, not just a couple of rows.

BTW there is no Row A...............I think you meant Column A

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


You're right! Now "Row A"... I guess it was too late. Sorry for the mishap!
Thanks for the comments on the solution. I had looked somewhat and I
couldn't see the way to solve this in the approach I was taking. I'll add
another column and then merge the other 95% of the rows.
Do you or anyone else know if this is a requested feature that's in
Excel2007? Or even a future Excel?

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