Clock losing time


D.S. Hodgson


I've recently loaded Outlook 2002 and ActiveSync 3.7.1 om my
Windows/98 PC (AMD Athlon 1.4G processor). Since then the software
clock has been losing time (about 1 hour a day). The hardware clock
is unaffacted, and I've replaced the battery. The computer is not
connected 24x7 to the internet.

Can anyone give me any pointers to what to check / change / remove to
get rid of this annoyance ...

Thanks in advance

The TweakOholic

The clock feature in Windows gets the time from the ( hardware clock as you
called it ). If you are getting the correct time every time you start the
computer and the Windows clock is all that's loosing time, then I'd say one
of your apps. is interfering with Windows time. Try checking for updates
and troubleshooting support pages of the software you mentioned.

Personally, I removed the clock from my taskbar a long time ago. It does
nothing but suck up valuable CPU time. To get the current time whenever I
need it, I've created a shortcut which brings up the time and date.
"C:\WINDOWS\RUNDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL timedate.cpl" ( without
the quotes )




The TweakOholic

The clock on the taskbar "sucks up valuable CPU time"????
You're kidding, right?
Glen Ventura, MS MVP W95/98 Systems

No joke. It does. The less crap you have running in the background, the
more stable and the fewer resources you're going to use. Some people think
more is better. In the case of Windows OS we know the fewer apps are
running, the less likely it's going to crash and the better the system
performance is going to be. The title of this newsgroup is
performance....every little bit helps.

With all the little tweaks I've found and implemented, I've noticed a huge
system performance gain....even on a slightly modified 200Mhz PC.


I see absolutely no difference in CPU usage whether the clock is enabled on the taskbar or not.

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