


Recently went to xp pro.
Under Win task manager a process called cleanmgr.exe is
using up all my cpu processing capacity.

When I turn it off pc operation goes back to normal. It
needs to be turned off everytime I restart.

I looked for it under services so I could disable it but it
does not appear.

I either want to fix it so it does it's job without hanging
up the cpu or disable it.

Any ideas?


Cleanmgr.exe is the 'Disk Cleanup' program. Apparently you have it in your
startup folder the registry. Click start---run---type in msconfig
click OK. Check the startup tab and look for disk cleanup or cleanmgr.. If
there remove the X. and you'll do a selective startup. You should edit your
registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINES\Software\microsoft\windows\current version\run
and remove cleanmgr if it appears after run or run once etc. Do the same for
HKEY_CURRENT USER\software\microsoft\current version\run. .

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