Charts 2007 v 2003


Martin Conradi

Now I've got through the pain barrier, most of 2007 is a huge improvement.
But when we save work for clients in 2003 'compatibility mode' and they edit
our charts, all sorts of problems arise. Have any of you bright people out
there documented the pitfalls or found workarounds to ensure consistency?



Martin Conradi

Getting all the staff at 50+ clients to install compatibility packs... ah! I

I think graphs originated in 2003 can be safely worked on in 2007 as long as
you use 'edit existing'. But I can find no way of holding the formatting if
the chart was originated in 2007.


Luca Brasi

I think all you can do to prevent these formatting problems is creating
Microsoft Graph charts in PowerPoint 2007 instead of using the new chart
objects (tab "Insert", button "Object", select "Microsoft Graph Chart").

Microsoft Graph is still available in Office 2007 (if the appropriate
option is checked when installing).

Nevertheless, in my opinion it is not recommendable to work in PP2007 if
your clients are running PP2003 as these versions have different
approaches for many things, e.g. definition of slide master/layouts or
colorschemes. The compatibility mode doesn't really help (unlike in
Excel or Word).

Echo S

I think Luca's advice is sound, Martin. PPT 2003 really doesn't have any way
to cope with editing PPT 2007 charts.

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