changing view settings of hidden text




I,'e made a new style called "notes" and it is in hidden text. I'd like to
be able to view this style, but to not have to also view the dots that
represent spaces and the paragraph symbols that also show up when having
"view hidden text" on.

How do I achieve this, or a similar workaround of being able to view notes.
("comments" are too clunky).



Jay Freedman

On Thu, 18 Aug 2005 15:07:01 -0700, "John Gallo" <John

I,'e made a new style called "notes" and it is in hidden text. I'd like to
be able to view this style, but to not have to also view the dots that
represent spaces and the paragraph symbols that also show up when having
"view hidden text" on.

How do I achieve this, or a similar workaround of being able to view notes.
("comments" are too clunky).



Hi John,

The ¶ button on the toolbar switches the state of the All checkbox in
the Tools > Options > View dialog. That controls all the nonprinting
characters, including spaces, tabs, and paragraph marks, as well as
hidden text.

What you want is to leave the All unchecked (and the ¶ button not
pushed in), and just check the Hidden box in that dialog.

There isn't any built-in command to do that, but you can use this
macro and assign a toolbar button to it.

Sub ToggleHidden()
With ActiveWindow.View
.ShowHiddenText = Not .ShowHiddenText
End With
End Sub

See these articles for help if needed:

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