Changing Language Doen't Work (PPT 2002)


Michael Wilcox

I'm doing a presentation in Spanish and I'm trying to change the language to
Spanish (Spain - Modern Sort) but it's not working. I open the Tools >
Language..., choose Spanish (Spain - Modern Sort), and click OK, but the
language remains unchanged. I'm using PowerPoint 2002. Can this be helped?

Michael Koerner

Go to Control Panel | Regional Settings | and change your language preference

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Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]

I'm doing a presentation in Spanish and I'm trying to change the language to
Spanish (Spain - Modern Sort) but it's not working. I open the Tools >
Language..., choose Spanish (Spain - Modern Sort), and click OK, but the
language remains unchanged. I'm using PowerPoint 2002. Can this be helped?

Echo S

PPT picks up its language settings in Tools/Language from your keyboard.;en-us;245819&Product=ppt

But you can change the language ID of the individual textboxes.;en-us;245468&Product=ppt
has sample code to do this.

has info on the various language IDs.

(Hey, Steve, can we FAQify this stuff? I'll write something up for you.)

Michael Wilcox

Michael Koerner said:
Go to Control Panel | Regional Settings | and change your language preference

I don't want my entire computer changed, just this one presentation.
The process I tried works in Word and will only change the language
for that one document, but it doesn't seem to work in PowerPoint.

Michael Koerner

The help file in 2002 has all the steps to take for working in a different
language. Just insert Language and/or keyboard in the keyword index window.
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Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]

Michael Koerner said:
Go to Control Panel | Regional Settings | and change your language preference

I don't want my entire computer changed, just this one presentation.
The process I tried works in Word and will only change the language
for that one document, but it doesn't seem to work in PowerPoint.

Michael Wilcox

Michael Koerner said:
The help file in 2002 has all the steps to take for working in a
different language. Just insert Language and/or keyboard in the
keyword index window.

So, according to that, I have to change the language for every text box in
my presentation?

Michael Koerner

I assume so. I have never had the opportunity to work with different languages.

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Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]

Michael Koerner said:
The help file in 2002 has all the steps to take for working in a
different language. Just insert Language and/or keyboard in the
keyword index window.

So, according to that, I have to change the language for every text box in
my presentation?

Echo S

Michael said:
So, according to that, I have to change the language for every text box in
my presentation?

Yes. I posted a link to a MSKB article for you earlier this afternoon
with code to do this.

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