Change the way the security center alerts me

  • Thread starter Thread starter matsr
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Is there any Policy setting for this? We are running a NetWare network,
and all student clients are complaining since the Windows Seucrity
Center does not recognize F-Secure 5.43.

The really strange thing is the Security Center recognized it on your
all-norwegian image, this "error" appeared only after we decided to go
for Multi-language(English first then norwegian on top)
matsr said:
Is there any Policy setting for this? We are running a NetWare network,
and all student clients are complaining since the Windows Seucrity
Center does not recognize F-Secure 5.43.

The really strange thing is the Security Center recognized it on your
all-norwegian image, this "error" appeared only after we decided to go
for Multi-language(English first then norwegian on top)

There are three registry settings for the Security Center. These
settings determine whether or not the user receives alerts for a given
feature. If a key has a value of 0 or is nonexistent, the notification
icon and alert system for that feature are enabled. If a value exists
and is set to 1, the notification icon and alert system for the feature
is disabled.

AntiVirusDisableNotify (DWORD)
FirewallDisableNotify (DWORD)
UpdatesDisableNotify (DWORD)

The three registry settings needs to be under the registry key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\
I tried to use this reg setting, but when I looked in the Security
Center "change the way...alerts me" after running the .reg file the
option for virus protection wasn't unchecked and the warning balloon
apeared in the system tray. I checked the reg key in regedit and
everything seemed to be just fine. I also tried to but the reg key into
HKEY_CURRENT_USER, but no luck

I don't know why this happens, but if it is to any help we use NetWare

I also tried to disable all balloons in the tray with a .reg file from
Kellys Corner(thanks btw!) This did only work when i logged in as local
admin. I have a feeling that this just might be working the same way.

If You have any tip as to how this could be solved I would be very
matsr said:
I tried to use this reg setting, but when I looked in the Security
Center "change the way...alerts me" after running the .reg file the
option for virus protection wasn't unchecked and the warning balloon
apeared in the system tray. I checked the reg key in regedit and
everything seemed to be just fine.

After adding the registry settings, you must reboot or stop and
start the Security Center service to see the change.

I also tried to but the reg key into HKEY_CURRENT_USER, but no luck

Only HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE is supported for those registry values.

I don't know why this happens, but if it is to any help we use NetWare

I also tried to disable all balloons in the tray with a .reg file from
Kellys Corner(thanks btw!) This did only work when i logged in as local
admin. I have a feeling that this just might be working the same way.

Yes, disablenotify.reg from Kellys Corner sets the same registry

If You have any tip as to how this could be solved I would be very

I assume that your users are not local admins, and that is what causes
you a problem when using logon script to do the registry changes.

If so, a runas program should help you.

Different RunAs products listed here, some free and some not, some
with encryption option for the password as well:[email protected]

Other ones not mentioned in the link above:

SUperior SU (free, has a command line iterface)

Supercrypt (as well as LSrunas/LSrunasE)


You may also want to check out PolicyMaker Application Security
(previously NeoExec), the main difference is that it does not require
the use of a second account, as most other RunAs derivatives requires.

PolicyMaker Application Security


The ZEN Works Starter Package (formerly Novell Application Launcher
and Workstation Manager) that comes free with Netware is maybe
something you want to look into.

Consider using this support resource instead of this group for question
about Netware:

Novell forums (web)/group(news):

ZENworks Product Support Forums
Thanks for your answer!

I am not sure if we tried to reboot after setting this reg change, so I
will try this.

For info only:
All our Students have local admin rights due to school policy and the
fact that it gives us less problems, since many of the applications
availible for the students needs this.

The file I pulled from Kelly's Corner was to disable all balloons from
the tray which, if not needed, I would prefer not to use this. Not all
of these balloons are a pain in the ass. Only those the students do not
need to see, since they can't help it anyway.

I couldn't find any disablenotify.reg

again Torgeir, Thanks a million for even bothering to answer!
matsr said:
Thanks for your answer!

I am not sure if we tried to reboot after setting this reg change, so I
will try this.

For info only:
All our Students have local admin rights due to school policy and the
fact that it gives us less problems, since many of the applications
availible for the students needs this.

The file I pulled from Kelly's Corner was to disable all balloons from
the tray which, if not needed, I would prefer not to use this. Not all
of these balloons are a pain in the ass. Only those the students do not
need to see, since they can't help it anyway.

I couldn't find any disablenotify.reg

374. Security Center Alert Settings - Enable or Disable

Anyway, I wouldn't have bothered with those registry edits, I would
just have disabled the Security Center service all together, this
way no SC alerts will never be seen anymore.

Put the following in your logon script to disable and stop the SC

%SystemRoot%\system32\sc.exe config wscsvc start= disabled
%SystemRoot%\system32\net.exe stop wscsvc

(there is supposed to be a space behind start= )

again Torgeir, Thanks a million for even bothering to answer!

Ikke noe problem, glad jeg kan hjelpe :-)
Well... just for the record the reg key works just fine. After the
reboot the "Virus protection" option under "change how Security Center
alerts me" is unchecked

(thanks Torgeir!)

I don't really see why I should disable the whole service when this reg
key does the trick, but I will take notice(penandpaper.sys) of the
setting. Maybe I will use this later if it screws up even more.

The idea with the Security Center is not a bad idea, if only it had
better support for external suppliers of AV systems and firewalls.

Jeg bor faktisk bare 45min(eller noe sånt) fra Porsgrunn...snedig...

igjen TAKK!
matsr said:
Well... just for the record the reg key works just fine. After the
reboot the "Virus protection" option under "change how Security Center
alerts me" is unchecked

Great :-)
(thanks Torgeir!)

I don't really see why I should disable the whole service when this reg
key does the trick, but I will take notice(penandpaper.sys) of the
setting. Maybe I will use this later if it screws up even more.

The idea with the Security Center is not a bad idea, if only it had
better support for external suppliers of AV systems and firewalls.

Note that it is the external suppliers that needs to adjust their
products to support the Security Center, and not the other way around.

Microsoft have released information to the external suppliers on how
they can co-operate with the Security Center interface.

Jeg bor faktisk bare 45min(eller noe sånt) fra Porsgrunn...snedig...

igjen TAKK!

Verden er liten :-)
Note that it is the external suppliers that needs to adjust their
products to support the Security Center, and not the other way around.

Microsoft have released information to the external suppliers on how
they can co-operate with the Security Center interface.

In my case I don't think this is the case, since F-secure 5.43 was
recognized on our older configuration, using Norwegian WinXP. We
upgraded to 5.43 because version 5.41 was not supported(well the
suppliers hadn't thought about SP2).

Maybe something was changed in this routine? Or maybe there are some
language mixups? All I know is it used to work ok.

It dosen't really matter anyhow since we're about to upgrade to
F-secure Client Security(aka. F-Secure 6). I hope this version is
recognized, so I can reverse the reg key mentioned earlier.