can't write footage back to camera



Hello, ever since i have had windows movie maker and my
digital camcorder I have been unable to write the footage
back to it. my digital camcorder is a Canon MV550i and i
link it to the computer using a firewire and a card in
the back of the computer. (IEEE 1394 PCI Card)I can
upload footage perfectly to the computer using this wire
but when i try using it the other way and write the
footage back to my camera it doesn't work. And the camera
just records black onto the tape. I have tried many
different tapes and i still have the same problem. Could
someone please tell me what it causing this problem and
how I could fix it? Also am I using the correct wire or
do i need a different one to write back to the camera?
Thank you very Much


John Kelly

Hi there,

I have the 500i and use the same cable to write back. I have to admit that I
have only done it a few times though. On my first attempt I got pixelation
of the image and that was because the file was a bit fragmented. I now have
a hard drive that is only used for DV operations so that problem went away.

What I would consider doing is removing the firewire card, carefully
cleaning the tabs and then replacing it. While doing that and if you have a
vacuum cleaner with a nozzle, I would also consider cleaning the card
slot...just in case there is something in there that's spoiling the
connection. You probably know anyway, do not touch the contacts with bare
fingers, there's a couple of reasons why not. If you have then make sure
with something like a dabb of spectacle cleaning fluid that you clean the
contacts before putting the card back. Be warned that excessive pressure on
the tabs or excessive fluid can do just a very small spot and
light pressure only

If none of the above work and if you have or know someone who has a meter
for testing resistance, and this would be a right fiddle of a job, test the
cable for integrity...a wire may be broken, or a wire may be shorting
against the earth or another wire. None of this is really likely but its
worth testing anyway. If you know someone local who also has the same cable,
it might be worth asking them to loan it too you or if you are in the USA
perhaps their is a Circuit City, or Comp USA near you that might let you
test your cable, in the UK try PC World.

If all of the above draws a blank then as far as I can see there are two
more possibilities....Your software installation or the camera is defective.

My camera was bought in February this year and has just returned from Canon
for a repair....mind you I had a devil of a job convincing them I was
right...but I won through in the end...The Image stabilizer circuits were
not functioning.

If its software, question to ask yourself is, Is there any related software
that does not work they way it should ? If yes then the course of action is
obvious. If that does not solve the problem then I would again remove the
firewire card, power the machine up and using a Registry Cleaner and a file
cleaner, remove all references to your camera, then reboot and again use the
software and registry cleaner and then power down, and finally re-install
your card and take it from there. A suitable free file/registry cleaner is
Ashampoo at

And if all of the above fails...well I do a good line in heavy hammers :)


-----Original Message-----
Hello, ever since i have had windows movie maker and my
digital camcorder I have been unable to write the footage
back to it. my digital camcorder is a Canon MV550i and i
link it to the computer using a firewire and a card in
the back of the computer. (IEEE 1394 PCI Card)I can
upload footage perfectly to the computer using this wire
but when i try using it the other way and write the
footage back to my camera it doesn't work. And the camera
just records black onto the tape. I have tried many
different tapes and i still have the same problem. Could
someone please tell me what it causing this problem and
how I could fix it? Also am I using the correct wire or
do i need a different one to write back to the camera?
Thank you very Much


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