Can't view shared files on XP computer from Vista Home Premium computer

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lenny Jacobs
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Lenny Jacobs

I can't view shared files on an XP computer on my LAN by clicking on
"Network" in Windows Explorer on my Vista computer. I can view shared files
on the XP computer by entering \\XPCOMPUTERNAME in the address field of
Internet Explorer. I've setup "Network and Sharing Center" according to

Private Network
File Sharing on
Public Folder Sharing on
Printer Sharing on
Password Protected Sharing off
Media Sharing off

The workgroup on both computers is "WORKGROUP"

I can see the shared printer on my XP computer from Control Panel > Hardware
and Sound > Printers
I can't view shared files on an XP computer on my LAN by clicking on
"Network" in Windows Explorer on my Vista computer. I can view shared files
on the XP computer by entering \\XPCOMPUTERNAME in the address field of
Internet Explorer. I've setup "Network and Sharing Center" according to

Private Network
File Sharing on
Public Folder Sharing on
Printer Sharing on
Password Protected Sharing off
Media Sharing off

The workgroup on both computers is "WORKGROUP"

I can see the shared printer on my XP computer from Control Panel > Hardware
and Sound > Printers


This is generally a problem with a personal firewall or the NetBT setting.

You could diagnose the problem, with logs from "browstat status", "ipconfig
/all", "net config server", and "net config workstation", from each computer.
Read this article, and linked articles, and follow instructions precisely
(Download browstat, and note running the Vista command window as admin!):

Chuck, MS-MVP 2005-2007 [Windows - Networking]
Paranoia is not a problem, when it's a normal response from experience.
My email is AT DOT
actual address pchuck mvps org.
Being new to vista systems I need to ask if your problem exhibited this
I was trying to set up a home network between my new dell using vista
premium and my old computer running XP-Home ed through a wired d-link router.
Both computers could ping the router, the xp could ping the vista, but the
vista could not ping the xp! Consequently I can access files on the vista
from xp but not visa versa. What gives??

Chuck said:
I can't view shared files on an XP computer on my LAN by clicking on
"Network" in Windows Explorer on my Vista computer. I can view shared files
on the XP computer by entering \\XPCOMPUTERNAME in the address field of
Internet Explorer. I've setup "Network and Sharing Center" according to

Private Network
File Sharing on
Public Folder Sharing on
Printer Sharing on
Password Protected Sharing off
Media Sharing off

The workgroup on both computers is "WORKGROUP"

I can see the shared printer on my XP computer from Control Panel > Hardware
and Sound > Printers


This is generally a problem with a personal firewall or the NetBT setting.

You could diagnose the problem, with logs from "browstat status", "ipconfig
/all", "net config server", and "net config workstation", from each computer.
Read this article, and linked articles, and follow instructions precisely
(Download browstat, and note running the Vista command window as admin!):

Chuck, MS-MVP 2005-2007 [Windows - Networking]
Paranoia is not a problem, when it's a normal response from experience.
My email is AT DOT
actual address pchuck mvps org.
There is unfortunately no simple answer to this problem based on my
experience with small business and home networks from a user viewpoint.
You are lucky if it is only a firewall issue. In my experience this is
rarely the problem as most people use the Windows firewall and have used the
network wizard to set up printer and file sharing and have properly allowed
sharing on their individual drives or folders and proper exceptions in the
Windows firewall. Something went wrong in the automated process which is
Microsoft's problem but they foist it off on the end-user.
Rarely will shutting off the firewall or anti-virus program clear the
problem but it is worth trying as a troubleshooting measure.
The problem is usually on the computer that can be seen on the network but
will not allow its files to be shared. Usually it cannot open files from
other computers on the network either but can access the Internet.
This happens on all XP networks, not just XP/Vista mixed networks and is
inherent to the way these versions of Windows can screw up how they
implement network protocols. Microsoft pretends this does not happen or
there are simple ways to straighten it out but nothing could be further from
the truth.
In all honesty I have no clue how the TCP/IP drivers allow you to use the
network to access the Internet (e.g. through your DSL/Cable modem-router)
but not other computers on the network.
The Microsoft Knowledge base can walk you through ways to supposedly reset
the TCP/IP stack through some simple command line orders. You are lucky if
this works.
You can uninstall the protocols, uninstall the drivers for your network
card, reboot and reinstall all and redo the network wizard. If you are lucky
this will work.
However often it does not.
Suggestions beyond that include trying to use NetBios (good luck on that!)
or reinstalling Windows.
Make sure that you run the XP's file and Printer sharing Home Network wizard.
I see that uoi have done the rest, except this.

Have a read of the above link re Vista File and Printer Sharing.
How to give Permissions are there, too.

1st thing to do is make sure that the Workgroup Name of ALL the computers is
the SAME.

In Vista Network and Sharing:

Network Discovery: ON (So it can see the other computers)

Network set to Private (Public is for hotspots, airports, etc)

File Sharing: ON

Public Folder Sharing: ON (Vista’s Public Folder is the same as XP’s Shared

Password Protected: OFF (unless you want to set up identical usernames and
passwords on ALL computers in your Network) If you have it ON, you will be
asked for a username and password when you try to access a Vista computer
from an XP computer.

Also, run the XP’s Home Network File and Printer sharing Wizard.
Thanks for the reply. Most of the verbage in the articles that you suggested
are above my head. I just want you to understand my problem :

All of the computers on my LAN can easily share files, XP, Win98, WinME
except the one new Vista machine cannot see files on any other machine using
Windows explorer, but can using Internet Explorer. All of the computers are
in the workgroup "WORKGROUP". The Vista computer is set up properly to
enable viewing files on othe computers on the LAN according to technet
article bb727037.

Paulp said:
Being new to vista systems I need to ask if your problem exhibited this
I was trying to set up a home network between my new dell using vista
premium and my old computer running XP-Home ed through a wired d-link
Both computers could ping the router, the xp could ping the vista, but the
vista could not ping the xp! Consequently I can access files on the vista
from xp but not visa versa. What gives??

Chuck said:
I can't view shared files on an XP computer on my LAN by clicking on
"Network" in Windows Explorer on my Vista computer. I can view shared
on the XP computer by entering \\XPCOMPUTERNAME in the address field of
Internet Explorer. I've setup "Network and Sharing Center" according to

Private Network
File Sharing on
Public Folder Sharing on
Printer Sharing on
Password Protected Sharing off
Media Sharing off

The workgroup on both computers is "WORKGROUP"

I can see the shared printer on my XP computer from Control Panel >
and Sound > Printers


This is generally a problem with a personal firewall or the NetBT

You could diagnose the problem, with logs from "browstat status",
/all", "net config server", and "net config workstation", from each
Read this article, and linked articles, and follow instructions precisely
(Download browstat, and note running the Vista command window as admin!):

Chuck, MS-MVP 2005-2007 [Windows - Networking]
Paranoia is not a problem, when it's a normal response from experience.
My email is AT DOT
actual address pchuck mvps org.
I can ping any computer on my network from any other computer on my network.

Paulp said:
Being new to vista systems I need to ask if your problem exhibited this
I was trying to set up a home network between my new dell using vista
premium and my old computer running XP-Home ed through a wired d-link
Both computers could ping the router, the xp could ping the vista, but the
vista could not ping the xp! Consequently I can access files on the vista
from xp but not visa versa. What gives??

Chuck said:
I can't view shared files on an XP computer on my LAN by clicking on
"Network" in Windows Explorer on my Vista computer. I can view shared
on the XP computer by entering \\XPCOMPUTERNAME in the address field of
Internet Explorer. I've setup "Network and Sharing Center" according to

Private Network
File Sharing on
Public Folder Sharing on
Printer Sharing on
Password Protected Sharing off
Media Sharing off

The workgroup on both computers is "WORKGROUP"

I can see the shared printer on my XP computer from Control Panel >
and Sound > Printers


This is generally a problem with a personal firewall or the NetBT

You could diagnose the problem, with logs from "browstat status",
/all", "net config server", and "net config workstation", from each
Read this article, and linked articles, and follow instructions precisely
(Download browstat, and note running the Vista command window as admin!):

Chuck, MS-MVP 2005-2007 [Windows - Networking]
Paranoia is not a problem, when it's a normal response from experience.
My email is AT DOT
actual address pchuck mvps org.
None of your suggestions seem to be the problem. All of the computers on my
LAN can easily share files, XP, Win98, WinME except the one Vista machine
cannot see files on any other machine using Windows explorer, but can using
Internet Explorer. Thanks for trying though.


The ability of one computer to "see" another computer, in My Network Places /
Network window, is not magical. It's provided by the browser subsystem (which
is not the same as Internet Explorer). The browser subsystem uses Server
Message Blocks to communicate between computers. Read my browser article, which
should give you an overview of the problem.

Chuck, MS-MVP 2005-2007 [Windows - Networking]
Paranoia is not a problem, when it's a normal response from experience.
My email is AT DOT
actual address pchuck mvps org.
Lenny I have the same problem you have.

I have a Network Attached Storage device (NAS) called ReadyNAS NV from
Infrant technologies, and I to can't not browse to the shares on this device
via the Network on my Windows Vista Ultimate 64 laptop.

Under Network I can see the NAS but if I double click on it takes me to the
admin setup webpage for the NAS not the list of share on the NAS. Where as
with all my Windows XP systems if I go to My Network Places I can easly
browse to the shares on the NAS.

However if I type in the Network File Share path to the NAS (e.g \\my-nas
(notice the forward slashes not the back slashes those are for file share not
web pages) in the address for the Network Explorer all of the sudden I can
see the file shares on the NAS.

Does this all sound pretty close like what your experiencing, I think so.

Near as I can figure in my case the Network Explorer (this is the Vista
replacement for "Network Neighborhood" and "My Network Places") is miss
classifying my NAS and thinks it's just a webserver. This is a problem for me
in 2 ways:
1 I have a user that perfers browsing to the shares on the network (they
don't get typing in the URL to the shares)
2. some applications don't allow you to type in paths to directories or
files, you must browse to them (e.g. the standard Windows directory selection
dialog) and if Windows doesn't classify my NAS as a file server it doesn't
seem to show up in these applications.

Basically I think MS got too cute with the new Network Explorer and they
need to open things up a bit more.

So Lenney If you find a solution to your problem or if anybody out there
knows how to correct Network Explorer and make it see things my way I'd very
much appreciate hearing about it.

Chuck, you may know what's going on but apperantly you're going to have to
ease up on the techincal talk a bit for anybody to understand what to do.

If I go to Network
Why using a different user? What does using a different user accomplish?

I'm hesitant to map a network drive since it's a laptop and in the past
mapped network drives have caused (pre Vista) problems when the computer is
not on the network.

Also I read some of Chucks websight and he's got good stuff there but there
is way to much techinical stuff for the average user to get through it all.
I don't think any of it applies to me since I'm not having a problem seeing
the device in question, I'm having a problem with how windows is treating
that device, so I guess my problem is a little different from Lenny's.
On the surface it does sound like some of the info on Chuck's websight could
help Lenny it's just a matter of what part of it.

Lenny I think you're going to have to be a bit more specific about your
network environment: is it a business, a domain, a workgroup, are the systems
mobile laptops or desktops, etc.

Matt S.
I have been having the same problem although I can see files in my shared documents folder. I just cannot see files in a folder that I make shared. Having searched the net I found this link that I thought would resolve my problem.

I installed the program on the XP system but alas "Access denied, you do not have permission". I did not give up. I went back to the XP system and tried disabling the firewall. That did not help. Then I right clicked on My Documents. I had already clicked sharing for this folder but this time I went into the Security tab. I selected all object types - "Users, Groups, or Built-in security principals" I clicked "Add" and then in Select Users or Groups I selected "Advanced". I then clicked "Find Now" and selected "Network" (note, I could not see the Vista system). I finally clicked OK....... and Hey Presto, I can now access the my documents folder in the XP system from the Vista System. Please note, I am no expert so I wouldn't leave your system set like this as Network to me implies that everyone may have access. I would also suggest you limit permissions to Read.

If anyone else can advise on the vulnerability of this I would appreciate it. Is it just the local Network that is granted access permission? Ideally I would have liked to grant the particular PC access to my XP system but I couldn't find the Vista PC under locations. All I could see was the XP system. This may have been because the Vista system was wireless. Who knows!

Good luck and I hope this helps you.


As long as you have a Router and each computer is protected by software
Firewall, the way you set permissions is up to you and whatever internal
security you wish inside your own system. As far as Vista goes its native
Firewall provides strong security In, and Out. WinXP Firewall provides just
Inbound Security. Thus if security is of importance you should disable the
Native Firewall and install a good 3rd part Firewall (this one is free and
works well, ).
Jack (MVP-Networking).

in message news:[email protected]...
I had the same issue. I set the network to Public Network on vista and then
typed \\MYXP1 (my computer name) and it started working.

Note that typing the IP address to the computer did NOT work: \\
I just went through this. to share folders between Vista and the
All of your permissions are correct. When, on the Vista computer, you right
click a folder to share, you get the "choose people to share with" screen.
Enter BOTH your name (computer name) and EVERYONE. To do this, first click
your name, then click ADD, then click Everyone.
this will do it