XP Sees Vista Machine In Workgroup Computers, But Not Shared Files

  • Thread starter Thread starter Glen
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I was able to set up both of these machines so that they could see each other
on the network, but my XP machine will not see any files in the Vista
Machine. When I double click the Vista machine with the workgroup computer
section, it takes it a bit, and then says that the path is not available.

The Vista machine ID was populated on it's own when I clicked on to view
network computers, so the path is correct.

I went to the Vista machine and it sees the XP machine perfectly, along with
all the shared files and folders. I can even print to my XP machine via my
Vista machine (the printer is shared). So lack of XP seeing Vista's **files
and folders** is strictly a one-way problem.

I have confirmed the following settings in Vista:

1. Workgroup names are exactly the same on both computers
2. In Vista:
a. Network Discovery ON
b. File Sharing is ON
c. Public Folder Sharing is ON
d. Printer Sharing is ON
e. Password Protected Sharing is OFF
f. Media Sharing is ON

I have tried (within Vista) in sharing specific files, specific folders and
even the root drive. When I click on the files to show me it's sharing, it
doesn't show anything, but when I click on to view network folders and files
it's sharing, then it shows me folders with the network icon underneath it
(looks like an inverted 'T').

I have rebooted both machines, even physically disconnect the LAN and
router. No avail. Any help is most appreciated! Thank you..
It says:

"The network path was not found". Either when I type net view
\\vistaipaddress, or net view \\vistacomputername, as the help states
I am having a similar problem on my office lan.I have one Vista (32bit) machine that can see a Shared XP machine, but can not accees it for some reason. My userid has full admin privelges.However another Vista machine (32bit) can see and access the Shared XP machine with no problems.What setting would need to be checked on the Vista machine that can see the XP Share but can not access it? FYI, the XP Share is setup correctly.  I can go to any other machine on the network and access it with no problem.  Its just the one Vista machine that can not access the Shared XP machine.Thank you in advance. This problem has been bugging me for months and I have not found an article that addresses this specific problem.

Post Originated from http://www.VistaForums.com Vista Support Forums
Finally! It was the lack of being an authorized user on that machine just as you pointed out. Thank you.The key element was when we did the following in the XP host;Control Panel>UsersThen Selected my Network Qualified user idThen clicked on AdvancedThen clicked on UsersMy userid was not present on the right hand side.I added a new user (with full admin) an vola! I have access.The confusing part was when you entered the Advanced Settings, I thought that was for NETWORK LEVEL users.  I did not understand it was also for LOCAL MACHINE users too.I feel I really learned some valuable information today.Hope this can help some one in th future.

Post Originated from http://www.VistaForums.com Vista Support Forums