Can't save picture files in jpeg format.



I noticed a problem today on my system that it won't save any picture files
as .jpg anymore the only option is bitmap, .bmp. I don't have America Online
on my pc either so the help support thing on aol doesn't apply to me. If
anyone knows what could be causing it and how to restore the ability to save
a picture as .jpg please let me know. Thanks.


Will Denny


Try clearing out the Temporary Internet Files folder. Open Internet
Explorer and go to Tools>Internet Options and click on 'Delete Files...'.


I am having the same trouble. I have cleaned out my temp folder and
(un)checked my do not save encrypted box , and I am still have the same
problem. Are there any other hints?

Alex Nichol

nightphotog said:
I am having the same trouble. I have cleaned out my temp folder and
(un)checked my do not save encrypted box , and I am still have the same
problem. Are there any other hints?

This happens if the indexes of the Temporary Internet Files get
overloaded. In Control Panel - Internet Options, in the temporary
Internet files section on the General page, click 'Delete files'. Then
I suggest click Settings and reduce the space allowed - 50 MB is
probably generous, and on big drives it tends to choose by default a
setting that is so high that this overload happens

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