Cant receive mail



Keep getting this error message

The connection to the server has failed. Account: '',
Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No,
Socket Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

I am able to send mail but not receive it for some reason???

Sky King


Suggest you call your provider, as it looks like you aren't connecting with
the server correctly. I tried online, but came up with the
"" server name instead of the one you are using.




Tommy said:
Keep getting this error message

The connection to the server has failed. Account: '',
Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL):
Socket Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

I am able to send mail but not receive it for some reason???

See if these instructions help:

They were written for Outlook Express, but should also work
under Windows Mail if they don't call for the HTTP protocol.


Cathyx said:
Help - I am getting same error code but on port 25 (sending mail). I
cannot send mail but can receive. Is this because I have Norton
Anti-Virus on my new P.C albeit disabled..? Is the fix to uninstall

Does your connection to the server cross over from one internet
provider's equipment to another's before it reaches the server?
If so, such connections to port 25 are often blocked to cause
trouble for spammers and you need to ask your email provider
if their outgoing email server listens for outgoing mail on any port
other than port 25. Just trying all the ports is a very slow way to
find out, since there are about 65,000 ports available.

If this doesn't help, click on the error message and see if you
can copy it to your next message.

Also, check whether you can move all the messages in your
Outbox to the Drafts folder, or delete them. If any refuse to
do either, download and install this hotfix, with Windows
Mail not running:

Although it's labelled as for mail stuck in the Outbox, it also
works in other folders. If you don't know whether you have
a 32-bit version of Vista or a 64-bit version, try the hotfix
for the 32-bit version first. This usually provides only a
temporary fix. To make it permanent, most versions of
the Norton or McAfee antivirus software have to be
uninstalled, not just disabled. You then need to run this
cleanup program, to take care of what the uninstall left


You may even have to remove your email account under
Windows Mail, then restart Windows Mail and add the
account again.

A recent version of the Trend antivirus program also
causes problems in Windows Mail, as does the Google
Toolbar program.

If you want a replacement antivirus program that does
not cause such problems in Windows Mail, I recommend
either avast! or AVG, either one with a custom install
that tells it to leave out the part that scans email.


Hi there

I did call them last night. They remotely took over my PC, checked all was
OK and then told me that it was an error in my mail program that they cant
help with. They also tried the "" server instead


This is exactly what I have done - it works on my old PC, but on the new I
just cant get to send mail......


What if any error messages do you get when you try to send mail? Click
on them and copy the whole error messages into your next message.


When I press send/receive I get this one

The connection to the server has failed. Account: '',
Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No,
Socket Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

It manages to send but not receive any mail.

Gary VanderMolen

Which antivirus are you using? Some of them cause various
problems with Windows Mail.


Tommy said:
When I press send/receive I get this one

The connection to the server has failed. Account: '',
Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL):
Socket Error: 10061, Error Number: 0x800CCC0E

It manages to send but not receive any mail.

That's because, if you READ the instructions, the POP server is NOT
"" but ""......try changing it.


Tried that yesterday and gives me the same error message. The
"" works fine on my old computer as well....

Gary VanderMolen

That explains the problem. Most Norton products are not compatible
with Windows Mail. You will have to uninstall Norton completely,
reboot, then try Windows Mail again. If that fixed your mail issue,
we can recommend a free replacement antivirus that is compatible
with Windows Mail.

Your other option is to switch to Windows Live Mail, which seems
to tolerate aggressive antivirus products better, but you would still
need to disable the email scanning function in Norton.


Thx mate

That actually solved the problem!!!!!

Guess microsoft was bound to get involved in the antivirus bizznizz
eventually. What better way of doing that, than making the your competitors
products incompatible ;-)

Pls suggest alternatives to Norton


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