Can't receive email--anti virus problem?



I'm having a similar problem to one that others seem to have. I can send,
but can't receive email in Windows Mail. I've read other threads about this
and tried various fixes that people suggested, but nothing has worked for me.

I was running AVG with the email scan on. I uninstalled it, deleted and
recreated my Windows Mail account. Still cant get email. (I have comcast.)
I do not get an error message when Windows Mail checks my mail, but it says I
have no new messages though I know that I do.

I installed Windows Live Mail. I've got the same problem with it.

The weird thing is, Vista is set up with two accounts on this computer, and
the other person who uses the computer also uses Windows Mail, but she can
receive email.

If anyone can help I'd really appreciate it. I'm not so computer literate.
Thanks a bunch.


Gary VanderMolen

Did you go to and verify that
there is indeed mail waiting to be downloaded? What happens
when you send an email to yourself? I am at a loss to explain
what you are seeing. Have you complained to Comcast?


Dear Gary,

Thanks for your reply. I did verify that there is mail waiting to be
downloaded. If I mail myself, the message shows in my inbox on the comcast
website, but Windows Mail (also Windows Live Mail) never download it. No
error messages either.

I did check with comcast, but they did not know how to fix this either. Do
you think it's a comcast problem rather than a Vista problem?


Gary VanderMolen

To find out where the problem is, we need to do a process of elimination.
Since you have already tried this on two different email programs, there
is not much point in trying a third email program.
As a test, would it be possible for you to set up that email account on
another computer? If it doesn't work on another computer, then the culprit
is definitely on Comcast's end.

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