When I hit Windows update in my computer /Properties/Automatic Updates nothing happens and when I put
www.windowsupdate.com in my IE6 it takes me to http://update.microsoft.com/microsoftupdate/v6/default.aspx?ln=en-us
which I thought was Microsoft Update.
I saw on one of the MVP sites: http://bertk.mvps.org/html/srfail.html
that I should only use Windows Update and not Microsoft Update It didn't say why.
Does anyone know why I can't reach this site anymore and why am I not to use Microsoft Update?
Have a good day,
remove "nospam" in order to email me.
www.windowsupdate.com in my IE6 it takes me to http://update.microsoft.com/microsoftupdate/v6/default.aspx?ln=en-us
which I thought was Microsoft Update.
I saw on one of the MVP sites: http://bertk.mvps.org/html/srfail.html
that I should only use Windows Update and not Microsoft Update It didn't say why.
Does anyone know why I can't reach this site anymore and why am I not to use Microsoft Update?
Have a good day,
remove "nospam" in order to email me.