Can't download file from web site



I can't seem to download a file from a web site. I haven't had any trouble
downloading in the past, so I don't know what might have changed. When I
click on the "download" button, I get "The page cannot be displayed" message.
I'm trying to download a Zip file. Any suggestions on settings I could check?
I'm running Win XP Professional. Thanks. Linda


This is most likely a dead link on that website since the Internet seems to
be working. There's nothing that you can do if this is the case.

Maurice N ~ MVP

"The page cannot be displayed" text shown by Internet Explorer browser (or any browser) could be due to any one of a few things.
The first thing it could mean is "no such website &/or webpage" for what you entered or clicked on.

First, make very sure you have entered the website name without any typos, mis-spellings, etc.
If there are absolutely no mis-spellings, it "may" be the site is overloaded with requests. Try it later.

There are more possibilities, having to do with settings or blocking factors on your pc, or, from your internet service provider.

Post back with the site's address.

Maurice N ~ MVP

I think perhaps something is not set correctly on your browser (or system) to allow FTP downloads.
You did see the download button, and clicking that should begin the FTP download.

In your Internet Explorer browser, from it's main menu bar, select Tools, then Internet Options, then
click on the Advanced tab.
Scroll down via the scroll bar. Look for this next entry, make sure it is Checked (green check):
Use Passive FTP

Once you've made the change (if you have), be sure to press Apply & OK.

Then try again. Report back here with progress.


Thanks. My FTP setting was already checked. I reset my settings to the
default, checked the FTP setting, and pressed Apply & OK. This didn't make
any difference. I still can't download. Are you able to download from this
site? Any other suggestions?


Maurice N ~ MVP

Yes I can download.

Take a look at your Internet Explorer browser's settings. Tools> Internet Options> Security settings.
For whatever security zone it is set at, look under the Security Settings tab -- at "Downloads" >File download.
See if it is "Disable" d or "Enable" d .

Have you ever installed a utility like Netzip , or a download manager, before all this?
A long, long time ago, I had Netzip and it caused headaches later on, for downloads
that I wanted to save.

Go to Control Panel , carefully into Add Remove Programs. Scan the whole list.
See if you have any of these:

Bonzi Buddy
At Guard
* Get Right *
Internet Boost 99
Web Cellerator
Net Sonic Pro 2.0
Micrografx Flowcharter 7
Fast Net 99
Web Turbo
Internet Boost 99
Web Early

Micro Surfer
No More Ads
Turbo Explorer

Cheyenne Web Browser Anti-Virus.
Zip Magic

If you have 1, I'd suggest removing it. Also within the suspects would be other browser add-ons intended
to stop web ads. It 'may' even be your antivirus program's security module -- maybe it's set too high.

You may try (ever so briefly) turn off your firewall & antivirus/security program. Close IE browser. Retry the download.
Re-activate firewall & AV afterwards.

See check on your version of Urlmon.dll


Thanks for the help.

My security settings were already enabled. I did not have any of the
utilities listed installed on my PC.

I tried downloading it again this evening after work and - wonder of wonders
- it worked! My suspicion is that their server was down and if that's the
case, they don't fix it until the weekend is over. That's the only
explanation I have.

I very much appreciate your help. Have a great rest of the day!


Maurice N ~ MVP

woo-hoo !! Good going, Linda. (what's strange is that the ftp link worked for me on Sunday the 5th.) It worked for you & that's all that matters.


I've come to realize that there are many things that can go wrong with PCs
with all the junk we have on them these days. Sometimes it's just the luck of
the draw whether things work or they don't.

Thanks again for sticking with me to the end!


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