I can't download files from Microsoft site




I can't download any file from microsoft site (framework 2.0, internet
explorer 6, etc..)

Windows update works fine, the problem is if i want to download an specific
file. Simply appears (the page wasn't found).

Internet explorer o Firefox is the same. I only having problems with
microsoft' downloads.

Help, please.


Hello Brian,

No I can't when i click on the button "download" appears another page "the
page cannot be displayed".

"Brian A." escribió:

Brian A.

What browser are you using? If IE, when you attempt a download do you get a
Yellow bar just below the menus? If so, right click on it and click allow.
Do you have any firewall, antispam, popup blocker installed? If so, try
disabling for a moment before going to the site or attempting to download, if
the download is then available check the settings in the disabled app for
configuration options top allow the site.


Brian A. Sesko { MS MVP_Shell/User }
Conflicts start where information lacks.

Suggested posting do's/don'ts: http://www.dts-l.org/goodpost.htm
How to ask a question: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/555375


Hello Brian

Im using internet explorer 6 and firefox. No I don't get that yellow bar. I
have a firewall and i've already tried disabling it. Popup blocker? no, only
the one included in windows.

The problem continue...

"Brian A." escribió:


I am getting the same error message.
All other sites are downloadable, but not Microsoft.

Did you figure anything out?

Jim Robin

Not sure about this but it's something that you may wish to try...

Internet Explorer / Tools / Internet Options / Programs / Manage Add-ons...

Check to see if Microsoft Genuine Advantage Validation is enabled. If not
enable it.

I assume you have a genuine copy of Windows!

Best wishes,

Jim Robin

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