Cannot find server or DNS Error msg in IE 6 Win 98




I can access all websites (google, hotmail etc) except I am having a
problem accessing
my job's (public) websites. The problem started happening recently. I
have IE 6.0 SP1 and Windows 98. I took my PC to work and all the
websites seems to work from there using their internet connection. I
use ADSL connection. I am not sure how to troubleshoot this problem.
I get Cannot find server or DNS Error message in the browser. I have
the same problem with firefox.

Please guide me on what I need to do.

Robert Aldwinckle


I can access all websites (google, hotmail etc) except I am having a
problem accessing
my job's (public) websites.

This implies that you have a DNS. Otherwise it means that everything
you access has an entry in your HOSTS file.

The problem started happening recently. I
have IE 6.0 SP1 and Windows 98. I took my PC to work and all the
websites seems to work from there using their internet connection.

While there did you have to change your connection settings at all,
e.g. use a different DNS address?

I use ADSL connection. I am not sure how to troubleshoot this problem.

On Win98 with great difficulty because of the lack of tools on that OS.

I get Cannot find server or DNS Error message in the browser. I have
the same problem with firefox.

What is the "public" site? What do you see if you try to ping -n 1 it?
E.g. open a Command Prompt (aka DOS prompt) and enter:

ping -n 1 {plus the host's name}

Please guide me on what I need to do.

Ask for help from your Work site's network administrator.
Another possibility is that the site isn't as "public" as you may think.

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle


Thanks for your response
I checked the HOSTS file and there is nothing in there except the

I ping the adddress, it timesout. (what does it means?)

At work used the same address and it worked fine.

One of the site that I am trying is https and a couple of them are

Robert Aldwinckle

I ping the adddress, it timesout. (what does it means?)

Nothing important. What's important is the address you get
from its lookup.

At work used the same address and it worked fine.

Unless you get the same DNS in both locations
that isn't necessarily significant either.

BTW please find a way too stop using Quoted-Printable for your reply.
Google Groups must have a way that you can reply in Plain text without it.
Quoted-Printable makes composing replies which quote from your messages
unnecessarily more work for your responders who use a real NNTP



Thanks for your response
I checked the HOSTS file and there is nothing in there except the

I ping the adddress, it timesout. (what does it means?)

At work used the same address and it worked fine.

One of the site that I am trying is https and a couple of them are

This implies that you have a DNS. Otherwise it means that everything
you access has an entry in your HOSTS file.

While there did you have to change your connection settings at all,
e.g. use a different DNSaddress?

On Win98 with great difficulty because of the lack of tools on that OS.

What is the "public" site? What do you see if you try to ping -n 1 it?
E.g. open a Command Prompt (aka DOS prompt) and enter:

ping -n 1 {plus the host's name}

Ask for help from your Work site's network administrator.
Another possibility is that the site isn't as "public" as you may think.

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle


When I pinged the site address, it did find the ip address, but

I am out of options here, the admin from work basically said to
replace win98 with winxp.

Thanks for your help again.

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