Cannot Delete file in Vista

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rana P
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Rana P


As suggested here is a new post from the original post at:

OK didn't know it was such a big hassle to delete a file in Vista. I am
using Windows Vista Home Premium, on a Dell inspiron - 32 bit - Intel Core2
duo CPU - Memory Ram 2046 MB

I had downloaded a video file on my desktop, but cancelled it before the
dowload was completed and the file remained on the desktop. When I tried to
right click and click delete or move it a window pops up "Calculating time
remaining" and keeps on calculating don't know what!

I have tried to "Take Ownership" using the instructions at - can go to
the file click on take ownership - a window pops up
"c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe" with the command prompt flashing.

I tried : Control Panel > Administrative Tools -> System Config > Continue
through User Account Controls prompt > Select Tools -> Scroll down and
select Disable UAC > Click Launch -> Reboot machine - tried to delete
"Calculating time remaining"

After UAC I tried to change permissions takeown icacls - but was unsucessful

On one of the forums someone suggested I try Total Commander so downloaded
and tried that but NO GO

On one of the MS site I submitted my query and they sent a hotfix file >
which I had to zip and install but........... that also did not fix the

Just want to delete a video file, please help.
Rana said:

As suggested here is a new post from the original post at:

OK didn't know it was such a big hassle to delete a file in Vista. I am
using Windows Vista Home Premium, on a Dell inspiron - 32 bit - Intel
Core2 duo CPU - Memory Ram 2046 MB

I had downloaded a video file on my desktop, but cancelled it before the
dowload was completed and the file remained on the desktop. When I tried
to right click and click delete or move it a window pops up "Calculating
time remaining" and keeps on calculating don't know what!

I have tried to "Take Ownership" using the instructions at - can go
to the file click on take ownership - a window pops up
"c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe" with the command prompt flashing.

I tried : Control Panel > Administrative Tools -> System Config > Continue
through User Account Controls prompt > Select Tools -> Scroll down and
select Disable UAC > Click Launch -> Reboot machine - tried to delete
"Calculating time remaining"

After UAC I tried to change permissions takeown icacls - but was

On one of the forums someone suggested I try Total Commander so downloaded
and tried that but NO GO

On one of the MS site I submitted my query and they sent a hotfix file >
which I had to zip and install but........... that also did not fix the

Just want to delete a video file, please help.

I see where it was suggested that you boot into Safe Mode and delete from
there but i don't see above where you tried that. That's your next step.

Also, it is useless for people who are trying to help you when you just
write "NO GO" about something you tried. Remember that we cannot see your
computer so you need to give the exact results, including the text of any
error messages.

Rana, I have exactly the same OS except mine is dual core. I'm offering you
a more simpler way to take " ownership "without the drastic measure of
changing the registry which can be a time bomb. Here is the step by step
: --
1.bring up that file, right click > choose Properties
2. click Security > click Advance
3. click Effective Permission > click Select
4. enter your user account name in the box , when done click OK
5. you should see a list of permissions, all checkmarked. Scroll down to the
last one, it should say Take Ownership
click OK
6. close all those windows. You are now the sole owner of that file. Delete
it as you wish.
Please reply whether you are successful or not.Good luck.
rana said:
Thanks for your reply Malke:

No Go = window pops up "Calculating time
remaining" and keeps on calculating

Yes I did try safe mode but the same message in safe mode as well
(window pops up "Calculating time remaining" and keeps on calculating)

Hope you can help! Thank you.

Try from Safe Mode Command Prompt. Navigate to your Desktop (Probably C
\Users\your-user-account\Desktop) and del the file.

If Safe Mode Command Prompt doesn't work, try a Chkdsk /f while you're in
the Safe Mode Command Prompt or, for the graphical way in Regular Mode:

Click to open Computer. Right-click the hard disk drive that you want to
check, and then click Properties. Click the Tools tab, and then, under
Error-checking, click Check Now. If you are prompted for an administrator
password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

To automatically repair problems with files and folders that the scan
detects, select Automatically fix file system errors. Otherwise, the disk
check will simply report problems but not fix them.

Hi Rana,

Did you manage to solve the problem? I have the same problem with a movie
file, and i've tried all the recommended steps.
This solved it for me perfectly, it was driving me crazy, couldn't move any
files after playing them in media player. Thanks