Cannot Delete File. Being used by another Person or Program



I tried to copy a huge file (13 GB-digital video) from one
folder to another. But Windows Explorer stopped responding
and I had to End Task. This resulted in a partially copied
file in the destination directory eating up about 12 GB of
space! Now wehn I try to delete this partially copied file
from the destination folder I get this meesage "Cannot
delete file. This file is being used by another person or
program.". I have tried rebooting, restoring to a previous
date, running CheckDisc. Nothing works-I still get the
same message. I am using Windows XP home edition.

Please Help!!!

Sousa T.

I try to delete this partially copied file
from the destination folder I get this meesage "Cannot
delete file. This file is being used by another person or

Try this:

open Taskmanager and quit all unneede Tasks... leave only System Tasks and
try it again...

If this doesn't work, go get a DOS Bootdisk and kill the file from DOS ;D

have a nice day..

Jason Tsang

Some program is holding it open.

It could an application that interacts with the file
It could also be explorer trying to create a thumbnail of the avi but
failing (but sometimes it will keep the file open).

You can use this trick to delete the file if it is the latter

If you want to prevent Windows XP from creating a thumbnail of the AVI, see
Start/Run/Regedit -
Delete the "Default" key.

Tim Slattery

Sousa T. said:
If this doesn't work, go get a DOS Bootdisk and kill the file from DOS ;D

That ain't gonna work. He can have a 12GB file only on an NTFS file
system, and DOS can't see an NTFS partition.

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