Can we force H1s to start on an odd page WITHOUT using section bre



We have Word 2003 and an application that stores/rebuilds a Word document
as/from a bunch of xml topics. Each topic starts with a H1, H2, or H3
heading. We are having real problems with section breaks because these are
stored in the Word ML at the end of the previous topic, whereas we want it to
be part of the H1 topic.

The ideal solution would be to do away with section breaks (except when a
new page layout is needed) and to use something like PageBreakBefore in the
H1 paragragh style. But this doesn't force H1 to an odd page. Do you have any


Hi Steve,

You could possibly use a manually-inserted field that precedes each H1, to
test the page number and, if odd, add a manual page break. For example:
{IF{=MOD({PAGE},2)}= 1 {QUOTE 12}}
(the {QUOTE 12} creates a page break). Note that the filed braces (i.e.
'{ }') are created in pairs via ctrl-F9 - you can't simply type them in.

Updating all fields in the document (eg via Ctr-A then F9), will insert the
page breaks as needed.

Whether this affects your Word ML output adversely, I can't say, but the
page breaks still won't be part of the H1. If you include the field, coded
{IF{=MOD({PAGE},2)}= 0 {QUOTE 12}}
as the first string in your H1 text, then it will be ...



Thank you, this may well be a possible solution. I'm having trouble testing
it though because I'm getting the syntax error "Error! Unknown op code for
conditional" and I haven't yet figured out why. Any ideas?


Hi Steve,

Word is finicky about the spacing of the arguments in IF fields. You must
have the spaces indicated before and after the '='.


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