Raimund said:
Hi group!
I am using winXP Home and have got 2 DVDs now which I am asked to copy
to one DVD. And I have no experience and have never done that before.
Each of theses DVDs has folders named VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS.
The AUDIO_TS is empty and the VIDEO_TS of the 1st DVD has 3 .VOB-files
the 2nd has 9 .VOB-files.
The first 3 VOB-files in each VIDEO_TS-folder have the same names.
Is there an easy way to "merge" these folders and give them an
autostart-file too??
Any help will be appreciated very much, thanks Raimund.
Here's a possible solution.....scroll waaay down
for lots of info.....
First...the VOB files will have to be converted to a
compatible format...wmv for example. BTW...you can
view the VOB files with 'VLC Media Player' if you
want to rule out unnecessary files.
(FWIW...it's always a good idea to create a System
Restore point before installing software or updates)
VLC Media Player
The following converter may be worth a try:
Format Factory
(FWIW...you may want to uncheck
all the boxes on the final screen)
Then import the converted .wmv files into Movie Maker
and do your editing.
Next...save the edited project in the .wmv format to a
folder on your hard drive.
Finally...import the completed .wmv file/s into DVD
Authoring software and creatre a new DVD.
The following freeware might be worth a look:
DVD Flick
Be sure to read the Guide:
If you have problems downloading DVD Flick...
try the following direct link:
Save the file to a folder on your hard drive and
install from there.
DVD Flick Tutorial
Burn Any PC Video Format into DVD
To create a basic Video DVD that should play in a free
standing DVD player...try the following...
Good luck.
First...read the DVD Flick Guide to familiarize yourself
with the program.
Open DVD Flick and insert a blank DVD in your burner.
If your computer's Autoplay window opens....just close it.
Click the Project Settings button and go to...Video /
Target format...residents of USA...choose...NTSC /
Left click the Add title button and browse to your
Movie Clips and select the ones you want on the DVD.
You can arrange them by selecting one and then use
the Move Up and Move Down buttons.
Left click the Create DVD button / OK / Yes / Yes.
Wait while the DVD is created.
When the text "Finished Successfully" appears you
may close DVD Flick. Now you can eject your DVD
and play it in your DVD player.
At some point you may wish to purchase more
advanced software like Cyberlink, Nero, Roxio,
Ulead, etc...but at least this is a start.
Good luck.
J. Inzer MS-MVP
Digital Media Experience
This is not tech support
I am a volunteer
Solutions that work for
me may not work for you
Proceed at your own risk