Can a dipendancy list "Auto Competle"?



I have built a few dependency lists that have several possible answers in
the drop down box, I'm wondering if it's possible to have the cell "Auto
Complete" as the user types from the list?


Would it make sense to try and do this in code or am I going to slow things
down considerable? Since I need to do this for every cell in a column what
is available to me except for adding a combo box to each cell or something
of that sort? Is it possible to add a combo box to every cell in a column

Do I even have access to the contents of a cells list?

P.S. Tom, do you ever sleep? I want to thank you for all of the help that
you have given me over the last few months, it really is appreciated and I
feel a little bit guilty for taking so much of your time. THANK YOU.

Debra Dalgleish

If this is a data validation dropdown, it doesn't support autocomplete.
If you can use programming, there are instructions here for adding a
combobox from which you can select one of the values from the data
validation list. In the combobox, you can enable autocomplete:

Tom Ogilvy

Thanks for the thanks, but I am not sure I have helped you that much.
Anyway, the main problem is that when a user is editing a cell, macros do
not run for any practical purpose. You could use combobox from the controls
toolbox toolbar which supports this directly.

You could have a combobox pop up so to speak by using the selection_change

Possibly something like this in the sheet module

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim oOLE As OLEObject
For Each OLEObject In Me.OLEObjects
If OLEObject.TopLeftCell.Column = 3 Then
End If
If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Target.Column = 3 Then
Set oOLE = Me.OLEObjects.Add( _
ClassType:="Forms.Combobox.1", _
Left:=Target.Left, Top:=Target.Top, _
Width:=Target.Width, _
oOLE.ListFillRange = "sheet1!A1:A10"
oOLE.Object.MatchEntry = fmMatchEntryComplete
oOLE.LinkedCell = Target.Address

End If
End Sub

Change Sheet1!A1:A10 to point to the source of your data. You data souce
should be sorted.

Change Target.Column = 3 to the column where you want the activity.


Tom am I correct in assuming that there is not an EVENT that fires each time
you type a latter into a cell?

Tom Ogilvy

Anyway, the main problem is that when a user is editing a cell, macros do
not run for any practical purpose.

so no, there is no such event.

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