Call Store procedure problem


Roy Goldhammer

Hello there

I've belt an applicaion on adp. When I build it I enter to sql as
administrator which is also the owner of all the objects.

After that I enter the computer as user without administrator's premmition.
All the tables worked, But ,none of the views or stored procedures wasn't
found on the code. The solution for this was to add dbo. on any call to
store procedures. Whay i had to add it and how can I prevent from adding it

any help would be useful

BJ Freeman

Administrator is an NT account in the SQL server. There is also an
Administrator Group that if any NT login belong to then you have Ownership.
then Administrator is an NT account does not have the same rights as the SA
and/or the Administrator group sql LOGIN
I believe if you check the Adim it does not have ownership.
if you look in the security section of the Enterprise manager, you will see
the Administrator only has Public access.
Logins with public access do not have access to table, view.

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