Burning DVD under XP-64



I can read data from my DVD+-RW but it's reconized as CD-Rom when I try to
burn on it.
I use Pinnacle instant CD/ DVD 8.
Do I need 64bit driver to burn?

Tim Slattery

Thierry said:
I can read data from my DVD+-RW but it's reconized as CD-Rom when I try to
burn on it.
I use Pinnacle instant CD/ DVD 8.
Do I need 64bit driver to burn?

I'm not positive about the 64-bit edition, but the 32-bit versions of
XP do *not* include DVD burning software. They do a simple CD burning
system, but you have to buy third-party software to burn DVDs. I
suspect the same is true of the 64-bit version.

Carey Frisch [MVP]

Please repost your inquiry in the new Windows 64-bit newsgroup:


Discussions in Windows 64-bit Edition

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows - Shell/User
Microsoft Community Newsgroups



| I can read data from my DVD+-RW but it's reconized as CD-Rom when I try to
| burn on it.
| I use Pinnacle instant CD/ DVD 8.
| Do I need 64bit driver to burn?
| Thanks

Carl Kaufmann

It does exist. I read it daily. I have posted to it. It is the
proper place to ask about XP x64. The problem is the kludgey web



Why does Carey Frisch Keeps giving people a hard time about going to


When it doesn't exists, that is what it says when you click on it. Then
under the dropdown list there isn't a Windows 64-bit listed.

The x64 newsgroup does exist, and that's where questions about the x64
version should be posted, but the link you listed doesn't get you there.
Here is a link to the portal for MS newsgroups on the web:


And look under microsoft.public.windows. Here is the link for the
64bit.general newsgroup

A simple Google search for Windows XP x64 newsgroup would have gotten you
there as well.


Ok, I didn't know I had to go to Google to find a Miscroft site that isn't
listed in the ABOVE, Serch for then the next one is In: ( then the
list which can't be typed in). Then go in the box. I was up and down that
long list, plenty of every thing led, no Windows64. Now I know I have to
to GOOOgle for MS stuff 'THANKS, Al.

How did you get to your conclusions? I said if you had done a Google search
you would have found the link for yourself. I didn't say you have to go to
a Google search for "MS stuff". The point is Google is a good tool to find

I also said the link provided didn't work. I gave you a link to MS
newsgroups on the web and a link to that particular newsgroup.

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