Bring a code from a cell to a column



Dear all

I am working in Office 2003 edition.
I have export from an ERP a sheet where ther are some codes with some prices
and the information are split it to paragraphs.
For example in cell D150 i have the code of a group of products and
followed from line D156-D165 with subcodes of sub-parts of the specific code

The case.
I want to bring in cells A156-A165 the code of D150.
This will help me to have in column A the main Code and in column B the sub
Imagine an excel sheet with 25.000 lines, so i am looking for an easy way of
copying and paste fomrula.
Also there is a possibility when a line is empty not to bring anything?
Because as i said the information is spli it in paragraphs and i have quite a
lot of empty lines.

There is a smaple file in the following link:

Thanks in advance


Anyway you can put sample material in the columns? I'm looking at it but not
really understanding what type of data will be there.

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