boot disck & a hard disck format

  • Thread starter Ahmed Mohamed Adroub
  • Start date

Ahmed Mohamed Adroub

Every time I try to shutdown or restart the computer
shuts off and the bootup takes even longer..
1- I tried to create a boot disck, but when logging to
the Add/Remove window, I cannot find "Startup Disk" tab
in the Add/Remove Programs window.
Please show how to create a boot disck.
2- I triesd, as well, to format my hard disck, but I do
not know how. Please show the necessary steps to format a
hard disck.
Thanks in advance,

John Barnett MVP

You can't reformat your hard drive from within windows xp. You can only do
this by reinstalling windows xp. Do you have a retail copy of xp or was xp
preloaded on your pc?

Kentucky hilljack

-----Original Message-----
Every time I try to shutdown or restart the computer
shuts off and the bootup takes even longer..
1- I tried to create a boot disck, but when logging to
the Add/Remove window, I cannot find "Startup Disk" tab
in the Add/Remove Programs window.
Please show how to create a boot disck.
2- I triesd, as well, to format my hard disck, but I do
not know how. Please show the necessary steps to format a
hard disck.
Thanks in advance,
Well....if you want to loose ALL your data on the drive
you can go to start-run-type in cmd-type in
C:format\drive then hit enter,and bam it's done and your
computer will never work again!Now the start-up disc(you
wont need this if you format)Get your floppy put it in
the a computer search for these 3 things and
COPY them to the floppy 1:Boot.ini 2:NTLDR
3:NTDETECT.COM COPY them to the floppy when you
find them in the search,this is a start-up over-ride.(I
do not suggest you format your C: drive,you can use your
XP disc to repair or choose to do a clean install from it.


-----Original Message-----
Every time I try to shutdown or restart the computer
shuts off and the bootup takes even longer..
1- I tried to create a boot disck, but when logging to
the Add/Remove window, I cannot find "Startup Disk" tab
in the Add/Remove Programs window.
Please show how to create a boot disck.
2- I triesd, as well, to format my hard disck, but I do
not know how. Please show the necessary steps to format a
hard disck.
Thanks in advance,
Go to start>>>run>>>out in msconfig>>> enter>>>startup
tab>>>uncheck everything>>>apply>>>ok>>>restart>>>when it
starts up check box and ok>>>then all programs>>>find
your antivirus>>>open it up look for options and put it
to run at startup>>>apply>>>OK.done now shut down and
start it up and tell me if that is not the fastest thing
you ever seen.

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