Blue Screens of Death (several)



I am getting two or three different blue screens of death MANY times a day
and it is driving me insane. One of them is a BAD_POOL_HEADER message and
there is one or perhaps two different STOP messages. Is there anything I can
do besides getting the service pack 2? Where can I buy the service pack 2?
Will that force me to wipe my hard drive clean? If someone decides to help
me with this, can you please talk to me as if I'm 5 years old, because I'm
not very savvy with computers.


Bruce Chambers

Clint said:
I am getting two or three different blue screens of death MANY times a day
and it is driving me insane. One of them is a BAD_POOL_HEADER message and
there is one or perhaps two different STOP messages. Is there anything I can
do besides getting the service pack 2?

Well, I'd start trouble-shooting the hardware problem that's most
likely causing the errors. Start with testing the RAM. You might try
MemTest86: It's free. It's also unlikely
that SP2, as important as it is to have it for other reasons, would be
of much help in solving this problem.

Where can I buy the service pack 2?

No where. It's free for the downloading from Microsoft.

Will that force me to wipe my hard drive clean?

No, of course not. That would rather defeat the entire purpose of the
service pack, which is to update the current OS.


Bruce Chambers

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Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Clint,

SP2 isn't going to help, BAD_POOL_HEADER is an indicator of a driver
problem. This is just speculation, but I'll bet the other ones are too. Try
booting into Safe mode, then uninstall your display drivers. Reboot to
normal and, if you can get it to load normally, download the most recent set
and install them.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help -


Hey there, thanks for the help. I did everything you said, except I don't
know how to install the most recent set of display drivers. Where do I find




I agree with Bruce. Before mucking around with the software know your hard
ware is good. Always work from the ground up. Memtester is bloody brilliant
and you SHOULD RUN THIS UTILTY!!! DO IT NOW (HEHE) Also i would check the
hard - hard disk. A good uility for this is DFT (disk fitness test)

Even if just software errors it is always good knowing the hard disk and ram
are ok :O)

hope this helps

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