Blue screen on Boot-up



I installed windows XP Pro on my PIII 800 and my son gave
me his P4 1.2Ghz and I tried to install the HD from the
PIII to the P4 and I get a blue error screen when I try
to boot up which reads:

A problem has been detected and windows has been shut
down to prevent damage.
If this is first time for this error screen check for
virus or chk HD to make sure it's properly configured,
terminated. Run chkdsk then restart

Tech information:

When I put the HD back into the PIII it works fine.
Please can someone advise. Thanks


check the bios and make sure that it lists the hard drive
if it doesn't check the menus and have it auto detect the

Bob Knowlden

It's unlikely that you'd be able to swap the drive into a different PC and
boot successfully. It usually requires a repair installation. (You can do
this if you have retail upgrade or full version of XP. If you have an OEM
copy, it may not be transferable.)

Some would recommend a complete format/ new installation, but that's a lot
of work, and I don't think it should be necessary. (Compulsive behavior has
its uses, but it's very time-consuming.)

First, back up the drive in the old system (or at least the C: partition, if
you have more than one). Swap the HD into the new system.

Do a repair installation:;en-us;315341

"How to Perform an In-Place Upgrade (Reinstallation) of Windows XP"

(In brief: change the BIOS settings on the PC to boot from the CD drive.
Boot from the XP CD. Choose to install rather than going to the repair
console. Under install, choose repair rather than new.)

Some warnings:

You'll have to activate XP again on the new hardware. If it has been more
than 120 days since the last activation, you can activate via the Net, like
a new installation. If it has been fewer days than this, you may have to use
the telephone option (toll free call in the US). Explain to the MS rep that
you're upgrading, and that XP will be running on one system. It's an
annoyance, but it only lasts about five minutes.

You will lose everything installed via Windows Update. (Most applications
and settings should be preserved.)

(There is supposed to be a technique that permits deleting the drivers in
the old system and having then re-detected in the new, but I've not tried

Another warning: as you have a PIII 800, you may be disappointed in the
performance of a P4 1.2 GHz , especially if it uses PC133 SDRAM memory.
(RAMBUS or DDR are preferred.)

On the other hand, I believe that the slowest P4 that Intel has sold was a
1.3 GHz, so you must have something other than 1.2.


Bob Knowlden

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